~~~~ Feelin' Fine
But wait you say... if I have no power how am I typing on a computer... requiring power. Well, at my house there is no power.... actually there's been no power for about 12 hours now. So dad and I have found the comfort of electricity at my grandma's. Oh, Shelby too, of course she's here. I've been reading a lot today. I finished the Count of Monte Cristo yesterday and started on The Hobbit... for the fifth time. *blushes* yeah I'm insane, I know it.
Billy and I had been making plans to hang out today but I think they went down the pooper after this wonderful ice storm. That's ok, I'm content to stay here the rest of the day. I brought things to do, she has a computer (duh), and it's warm here! I'm not complaining.
Well, this has been the most exciting day of break so far. I've been doing a bunch of nothing... and that's fine with me! I'm actually welcoming this escape from the chaos that is my life and sleeping, reading, and hanging out on the computer is a wonderful change. I will have to do a couple of labs for A.P. Biology and Zoology before the break is done but I still have a week and half. No worries yet, I'll probably procrastinate and that'll be bad but I have nothing to worry about for now!
23 December 2004
No Power *throws confetti*
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09 December 2004
The Dark Side of the Dream
I don’t dream. It does no good to dream because it always ends in disappointment. Today I showed weakness. Today I dreamed.
Pink Floyd talked to me. And not the way they usually do, like when I’m in a circle listening to “Dark Side of the Moon.” I mean, Pink Floyd literally talked to me.
I was at the gas station filling up the El Camino when the entire car was suddenly covered in shadow. I assumed, of course, that it was the apocalypse. But when I looked up, I saw the coolest, most awesome thing ever: a hundred foot long, airbrushed rock n’ roll tour bus. I tried looking in to see who was inside but with the combination of the bus’s tinted windows and my tinted glasses all I could see was black.
Then it happened. The door opened and this big fat bus driver came out. But right after him came Roger Waters - the genius behind Pink Floyd and the man who taught me to combine my two favorite things in life – rock songs and my stash.
That’s when I began dreaming. I couldn’t help imagining me and Roger talking about rock. He’d invite me on the tour bus and the next thing you know I’d be in the band on stage rocking out in front of thousands of screaming fans. Of course, I’d have to leave the gang behind but they could be groupies if they wanted and Fez would be happy with just a free t-shirt.
I was in the middle of rocking Madison Square Garden when Roger Waters spoke to me: "Where the hell am I?" I knew we had a connection. That’s the exact kind of philosophical question I pose all the time – where are any of us? I tried asking him that but it turns out they were just driving to a gig in Milwaukee and he really just wanted to know what town they were in. I told him and he got back on the bus and left.
Serves me right for dreaming. I went back to filling up the El Camino. Seventy-four cents for a gallon of gas. What a load of crap
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30 November 2004
If The Week Keeps Progressing
~~~~Feeling Better
This weekend started out real bad but it's progressivly getting better. Ironically it's getting better the further away from my birthday. Monday was the worse and that was my birthday. Today was better. Not only did Nutcracker run more smoothly and less stressfully but Billy wasn't there to make me feel bad so it worked out pretty well. See, yesterday I asked him to show because I knew we needed him but before I got there he was informed by some jackass parent that he was neither wanted or needed. I'm so pissed off! I know it's just because he has crazy dreadlocked hair and he himself is just abnormally hairy for an 18 year old boy. Oooh! I'm just mad thinking about it! That's the thing I hate the most about people in the Nutcracker, they're so narrow-minded. There are the occasional alright group but it's all the parents there that just piss me off! I know I shouldn't work it to stand up for what I believe in but I need the money and they feed you... it's just too hard to pass up. I am gonna just leave tomorrow and hang out with Billy. I know that'll put a big burdon on Micah but if he doesn't seem to mind I'll do it. I probably should be doing what my little mouse is doing... sleeping. But I'm not and I don't plan on doing that any time soon. I'm still trying to get stupid nutcracker songs outta my head... *cranks up the Evanescence* It just won't go away!!!
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28 November 2004
The Best Birthday Ever
I had the best birthday ever today and I'm not even 18 yet. Actually, my realy birthday is on Monday but Tom took me out for a "special suprise" today and it was better then any other birthday ever!
First Tom cam to get me around 10:30 with my present. He made me a hemp necklace! He knew I've wanted one for a while so he got his sister to show him how to make one and he did! It has 5 silver beads and it's absolutley perfect! Well, it's still a little rough and scratchy but it'll soften up soon. Then we drove to the nearest Panera Bread (sadly around an hour away) for lunch. I absolutley adore potato soup in a sourdough breadbowl! Then he took me up to the Cleveland Art Museum because I love to spend hours just looking at all the artworks... plus they have an Egyptian section! *yay* After spending all day there we went to the BEST sushi restaurant ever. I mean this sushi was to die for. When I told Chanda all about it she said: "nothing says I love you like a plate of dead fish"... I don't care it was still good!
After I got home my parents gave me my mini iPod (I'm putting songs onto it right now) and I hung out with Billy for a while. It was a very good day all-in-all.
Sadly I have to work tomorrow... the nutcracker starts on Monday and we have to get all the misc. stuff into the PAC tomorrow. Joy and Rapture. Chanda said she'll stop by to give me my birthday present sometime so at least I'll have that to look forward to... and a nice fat paycheck... *sigh* sounds good!
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19 November 2004
The Weekend *woo-hoo*
I felt like this week would never end. And now that it has words cannot describe how joyful I am. I have no homework, I'm sitting here enjoying some chicken fingers, Chanda and I are planning to go see Alfie, and the rest of the weekend will be jam-packed with not-at-home activites.
Tomorrow is a speech tournament in Copely and the final South Pacific show. After the show Colin's having a party so that's how I'm spending the rest of my Saturday. I'll probably be somewhere other then home until the show on Sunday too so I'll go there then strike set and the cast party. I'll never be home and I'll be having a blast! The fun I'll be having will totally make up for the zero sleep I'll be getting this weekend. Sometime this weekend I do have to write my Marine Bilology essay, rewrite my college draft, and make sure I get my application fess paid. Plus next week is only three days until Turkey Day and 10 until my birthday! I'm uber excitied. These next few weeks are gonna rock!
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17 November 2004
My Theme Song
Gotta leave town
Got another appointment
Spent all my rent
Girl you know I enjoyed it
Ain't gonna hang around till there's nobody dancing
I don't wanna hold hands and talk about our little plans, alright!
Cold hard bitch
Just a kiss on the lips
And I was on my knees
I'm waiting, give me
Cold hard bitch
She was shakin' her hips
That's all that I need
Gonna check her out
She's my latest attraction
Gonna hang round
Wanna get a reaction
Gonna take her home cause she's over romancing
Don't wanna hold hands and talk about her plans alright!
Cold hard bitch
Just a kiss on the lips
And I was on my knees
I'm waiting give me
Cold hard bitch
She was shakin' her hips
And I that was all that I need
I'm waiting give me
Cold hard bitch
Just a kiss on the lips
And I was on my knees
Yeah I'm waiting
Yeah I'm waiting
Yeah I'm waiting
Yeah I'm waiting
Cold hard bitch
Just a kiss on the lips
And I was on my knees
I'm waiting give me
Cold hard bitch
She was shakin' her hips
And I was all that I need
I'm waiting give me
Cold hard bitch
Just a kiss on the lips
And I was on my knees
I'm waiting give me
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14 November 2004
Some of the Stress Gone but Something Else Here
The first weekend of South Pacific is over and I'm actually quite sad. I'm gonna miss rehearsals and the time I spent with Bryce and Billy. T.P. is supposedly real mad at rail because the boilers got shut off and we're instantly the ones to blame. *Grrr* it wasn't our fault. We didn't do anything. I hate that. Oh well, we'll see how things go in Zoology tomorrow. I'm actually kinda hoping Billy gets on tonight. I have some things to talk to him about. Brittany's coming home Saturday and we're making plans to meet up after the show. I want it to be Saturday right now. I just want a lot of time with my friends lately. We went to CW's after the show this Saturday and stayed until 2 am. It was great. Probably the best part was driving to and from with Billy. It was nice to spend some one and one time with him and it was fun to sing Beetles songs with him. Overall I'm beginning to remember why I dated him when we were in edgewood and I hope we don't fall away after South Pacific is over this year. This week will probably stink. I'll just want it to be over so it'll probably drag on and on... never to end! I even have absolutley nothing to do on Tuesday and Wednesday. It's gonna be real weird and I don't think I'll like it. I hope I can just hang out with my friends all week!
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10 November 2004
Finally a little bit of time
I have no idea if I spelled that right...
Mrs. Vinion is showing "Osmosis Jones" in her sophmore Biology classes so I went down to the PAC for a little computer time. I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to be on the computer. South Pacific opens Saturday, my first Speech tournament is also Saturday, I have to get all my college stuff done by the 20th (well, ok I don't have to but I'm making myself) and I just realized I forgot all about my paper review with Mrs. Broda this period. I've just been so busy!
I'll have to apologize for that but I really just can't handle going right now. I need this time! I'll have a Latin translation to do and a World History quiz to study for tonight but I know I can do that at rehearsal so I'm just enjoying some time to myself. I wasn't expecting to meet with her again so I think I just confused myself. I also think I'm real confused because Tom isn't here today so the day just seems weird. He's at home sick and I think it's been the first day since we started dating (more then two years ago).
On top of that I just feel fiesty today (hence the title of this entry). Maybe that's a better description of my mood... oh well I thought the mouse morphing from innocent to devil child was a good pictorial defintion. I can't wait for rehearsal tonight... I'm gonna have a lot of fun, I just know it!
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25 October 2004
Killing Time
Here I am sitting in study hall in Vinions room killing some time. As my little mouse friend indicates I'm hungry but I'm ammending this problem currently since I'm stuffing my face with macaroni and cheese.... *yum* So I know Study Halls should probably be used for, well, studying but I've finished all my homework and there really isn't anything else for me to do. I could just live off of mac-n-cheese, really I could.
My band auditions are tonight and I can't help it but I'm nervous. I've gone through all my scales and practiced the songs a ton but I can't help just wishing I didn't have to audition at all. I should't have those thoughts though because thinking them will just make auditioning that much worse. I have speech and drama after school until 6:00 then my audition's at 7:17 (to be exact). So I have any hour after my extracurriculars to do some last minute rehearsing. I always do that... it helps me feel warmed up for the audition. I just hope my low C and high B and C come out okay. Other then that it's just the fear of playing in that big room infront of two people that's intimidating me.
Mr. P said he'd read my college essay today during rehearsal. I hope I did an okay job. I wrote it on "the day in the life of a Speechie." I thought it would be creative to write about an average Saturday at a Speech and Debate tournament. I don't know if that's what a college is really looking for in an essay... let's be honest I know NOTHING about the application process but with Emily in college and Katy in the process of applying I think Mr P will be a good mentor on the subject. I trust him seeing my "shit draft".
I think I'll move to do other exciting things during my studay hall. Maybe I'll read. Count of Monte Cristo? Good Book!
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23 October 2004
Wrapped in a Cleveland Indians Blanket on Tom
That sounds dirty...
So anywhoo, what I'm really doing is sitting on Tom's lap while I type this blog... say 'hi, Tom'...
(tom:) I am trying to type around elentari, amd it sort of works, but i may have a few typos. and now, back to ELENTARI!!!!
We made sushi tonight... big bomb. The rice was really sticky and got everywhere. The recipie required a vinegar, sugar, and salt mixture and I think we added too much salt because it tasted terrible. I also have a lot of respect for the guy who makes the sushi at Buehlers now because that's VERY hard to do! And don't worry folks, we didn't even attempt to use raw fish... we struggled enough with the avacado, cucumber, and carrots. Let's just say I'll be buying my sushi from now on...and, back to Tom!
There is a lion sitting on my computer.
-Elentari and Tom
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18 October 2004
Auditions Are in a Week
Ahhh! I hate this time of year... too much stress. The 25th of October is my audition for band and it has to be the worst part of the year. We have to learn 9 major scales, 6 minor scales, and the chromatic scale of our instrument. Along with that we have to prepare 2 Etudes and a piece of band music they provide for us. Then we sit in our gigantic band room and play for two directors... it's just intimidating. My dream for this year would to be first chair but I'm not sure if I can beat Jeannette... she's real good. But in all reality I'm hoping for second or third chair. But I'm still real nervous about it. What if Emily is real good and she beats me out? It's my senior year and I just want to do well. I've been working on my scales and I don't think I'll mess them up at all this year *knock on wood* and I've mastered all three octaves of my chromatic scale. I just need to speed up my music a little more and get my high C to sound better and I think I'll be as prepared as I can be... I guess that's all that matters.
I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to post. Between school, drama, band, and preparing for college I've just been exhausted. We're putting on the production South Pacific and TP asked me to be student director. I agreed as long as I could party with my boys on the rail as soon as the actual show starts I'd do it. So most of my nights are occupied with rehearsals. Now I've got this audition to deal with too. On top of all my extracurricular activities is the joys of school. Not only do I constantly have A.P. Bio, FST, and Latin Homework but now I have to start applying to my colleges. I really need to get my teacher recommendation requests in and I need to sign up for the ACT's and apply to Gettysburg, Miami, and Heidelberg. I decided to apply to Heidelberg as a safety school, just incase. I really didn't like it but it's better then Washington or Ithaca. I plan on doing that along with two A.P. Bio labs and Zoology enrichment tomorrow. So much to do but today I'm taking it easy. It's the first day I've done a lot of nothing in forever. Well, this morning the Drama Club Officiers went around town asking for companies to sponser ads but other then that NOTHING! Yay! Well, back to practicing flute. Later!
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05 October 2004
Just Look At Me
I know it's hard to do
I know you'll look away
But all I'm asking of you
Is to just look at me.
You claim that you do care
That I mean everything to you
But you just glance away
And never look at me.
You bring me flowers
But that's all
You call whenever you say you'll call
But it's so predictable
I'm so bored
Suprise me
Stun me
Just look at me.
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03 October 2004
So Much Time So Little To Do
Strike that... reverse it!
Yeah I really do have quite a bit to do today. I did a lot of nothing yesterday so I have to make it up today. There's an A.P. Bio. lab I need to finish and I think that just got easier cuz Carolyn's sending my all her labs from last year. Sweet! Well forget about being mad at her! I still kinda want to ask her why she had to say those things to Tom. Oh well, I think I waited to long to talk to her. Now I have to do my math and fill out this blue sheet for my guidance councler... the college stress has begun!
Today is Tom and my 2 year anniversary! *Throws confett* Celebrate! I better get started on the day... later dayz!
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25 September 2004
New Banner That I Love
What a day! What a week actually. It really did drag on. Nothing new or exciting really happened. South Pacific started. Chanda got Bloody Mary! But here's the thing, T.P. asked me to work some leadership stuff that Carolyn didn't want to. However, upon talking to both Storck and T.P. at the same time Storck decided to make himself technical director (understandable) and make the stagemanaging position a REAL stagemanaing position. That means she works with actors and stage hands. Storck then wanted to appoint me student director and assistant technical director. When Carolyn was told about this I have a feeling she threw a bit of a hissy fit and that all changed. Carolyn didn't want to handle the actors so she landed me with all the jobs she didn't want. So now I have to deal with the actors and she wants the technical work. Grrr, she's such a control freak! I hate that, just because you want to major in theatre doesn't make you more experienced or knowleddable then the rest of us now in high school. So, I mean whatever I do whatever and then go back to rail once the show starts. Storck said I could do sound for his spring class so I'm a little pissed but still content. All I have to say is if Carolyn starts to let her power go to her head I'll let Billy and Andy do whatever they want to do on the rail. I usually hold them back but just wait and see if she pisses me off...
So anyways, today was Tag Day... really you don't have to applaud. The good thing was I was a driver and Tom was my helper. That means not sitting around in a smelly, hot band uniform all morning. I also got to buy myself from coffee from Seatles! Yay! And afterward Tom and I went to Kaffee House for breakfast. Now I have absolutley nothing to do. I slept all afternoon and now I'm beginning to think about food... hungry... mmm. So anywhoo nothing else going on, probably gonna sleep some more. Pathetic, I know.
Here's the Banner I was talking about. Do you like it? I think it's amazing!
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18 September 2004
Tomorrow is Tom's Birthday
~~~~ Chipper
It may be tomorrow but he and I celebrated today. It was a really good day. Except for some reason he really wanted me to do his nails... okay. I dunno, it seems kinda weird to me. I mean, don't get me wrong the manicure and pedicure thing is cool... do I dare say metrosexual? Okay, my queer eye urge is gone. But then he wants his townails painted gold. I didn't even need to convince him or anything. Seemed a little weird to me but, whatever it's his birthday. Then he wanted his hair cut... big mistake! I was so scared I barely even cut it and I just gave up. I am no beautician! Never again unless the boy has a bowl haircut and I can just use that as a guide.
So after the makeover fiasco we went to Arby's for lunch then went to Goodwill to find him some "goth" clothes. He's in a public speaking class and his group is doing a song "goth-country" style. Don't ask, I can't explain. But we needed some black goth sutff. Couldn't really find anything though so we thought we'd just look for some country/cowboy stuff other places. I'm sure we'll figure something out sometime.
Then we went to the library and I got the Maroon 5 CD and the next book in my series. After that we went out to the OARDC and took pictures using the timer on his sister's camera. It was a really nice day and we took a walk in the woods too. Then we just went back to his house and read for a while. It was a really nice day. I don't think you could ask for a better birthday.
Carolyn called and it sounds like I'm doing stuff with Chanda and her tonight. I guess David is busy. I hope Chanda's feeling better about the Bloody Mary mess. Just in case, I'm wearing my Stitch shirt to brighten her mood. And the best part of this weekend? NO HOMEWORK!
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17 September 2004
I Feel So Helpless
I feel horrible. For once in the history of the Wooster High School Drama Department it seemed like someone less favorable in the Mr. P. list was gonna get a lead. Chanda had two call backs and it had been narrowed down to her and a Katie for Bloody Mary. Things were going well until they made her sing pre-warm up. The worst part was they made her sing a song at the edge of her range. I don't think she'll get the part.
I feel so bad. She really, REALLY wanted Bloody Mary and now it won't happen. Chanda deserves Bloody Mary more then Katie deserves to breathe! Btw, don't feel bad for me at all... I'm a techie and my biggest problem in the show is to decide if I'm gonna be head of rail or sound.
So anywhoo, after school Chanda and I went back to her house and watched Star Wars... Hayden Christensen can make the worst problems better! But it still doesn't fix what happened. It's all Mrs. Gilbert's fault. The only kids she wants to give leads to are her choir kids. I wish the budget cuts would have kicked her to the curb. That reminds me... the teachers who did get fired were the newest teachers to the school system... anyone with senority got to stay. That makes me mad. They should have evaluated all the teachers and fired the ones who deserved to be fired... like Kilbreath and Gilbert and Melrose. Politics make me so mad!
I sorta blew Tom off today after school. I feel bad. I wanted to be with Chanda because she was obviously upset but Tom was there too and I kinda snapped at him to leave Chanda and me alone. Now that I'm thinking clearer I feel bad that I was that rude. I'll have to apologize to him. It's his birthday on Sunday and we're spending all of tomorrow together. I hope we have a good time.
I feel really tired all of a sudden. I sorta have a headache too. I just feel so bad for Chanda. She deserves Bloody Mary and more. She's worked hard for it and I hope Mr. P has some common sense and will give her the part.
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14 September 2004
Okay So Only Kidding About the Mood...
~~~~ Bored!
See, I'm kinda trying to be studious but I've gotten so bored I had to take a break. I have a big A.P. Biology test tomorrow and I already studied for Chapters 4 and 5 but I feel like I needed a break before I got back to it. After a while all the macromolecules and metabolic pathways just start to mesh.
So anywhoo, on the bright side that was the only homework I really had. I like this whole study hall thing and I regret not having one every year. Oh well. We had our first Speech practice today. Well, it was kinda just a meeting but we met our new coach, Ned. Mrs. Broda had to get a second job because her husband is going back to school so she just doesn't have time to coach. I'm gonna miss her.
Anways, Skye and I went to talk to Ned about our piece for this year and we told him we wanted to do comedy. He took one look at us and said he thought we could do either comedy or drama. I don't really want to do a dramatic piece but we'll see what he picks out. He said he thought I'd be a good pshyco. I guess that's just my first impression because Mrs. Broda gave me the pshyco part in Assassins last year and I played the overly-obsessed girlfriend when Carolyn was my partner.
The only problem with this analogy is that after Skye and I switched roles and she played the pshyco and I played the more timid one we won more. So maybe this pshyco personana doesn't fit me as well and people think! Ha! I'm not crazy after all!
Well, I guess I took a long enough break... back to the books (and Campbells Biology website!) Joy and rapture.
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13 September 2004
Back From Another College Visit / Question
Yesterday I packed into the van with my mom and dad and we headed out for another funfilled roadtrip to see another college. This one was in Oxford, Ohio and, of course, it was Miami University. So we drove all of yesterday to get there and took our little tour & interview session today. Now, finally being safe at home I'm reflecting...
The reason I have to "reflect" so much is because both my grandma & grandpa plus my father went to Miami. Some people are probably thinking "so what?" but I know a few of you will agree with me when I say the rebelious streak in me doesn't want to go to Miami just to break that line (just like a little bit of me is glad the Christian religion didn't fit me because I broke a sixth generation lineage at my church don't get me wrong though, that's NOT why I devoted myself to the goddess). But I really loved Miami and I now know why my family went there. The campus was beautiful, the study abroad program was once rated the top in Ohio, and it just seemed like a fit.
The only problem is that the more I think about it there are only two colleges I really want to apply to: Miami and Gettysburg. I hated Washington, Albright was alright but the city was dangerous (it had a very high crime rate), I didn't click right with the people in Ithaca, and something about Heidelberg just didn't seem right. Is it bad that I only want to apply to two schools? I might actually have to go in and talk to my guidance councler (*gasp* in my school that's a big deal because she's a huge ditz. She doesn't even know how to spell Gettysburg or Ithaca). I'm sure she's good for something.
So now that I'm home I was all motivated so I registered for the SAT II's. In Writing & Literature to be exact. The nice thing about that is I get to miss a speech tournament (yay for sleeping in!). The not-so-nice thing is I hate standardized tests. They stink. My Latin teacher told me that standardizes tests are being faded out. Why can't they be done with NOW?
We finally get to my question... everyone says that senior year is the best, that you live for this year and there's nothing like it. All I want to know is, when does the fun start? So far it's been nothing but stressful and such. I kinda want to just get it done and over with. That, or fast forward past the application and financial aid part of applying for college. Senior year should be fun once I get past that!

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08 September 2004
It's Getting Hot in Here
Ok totally just kidding… that song is so old.
I’ve been trying to get some stuff on my blog but I’m so bad at this html coding. Like, I wanted to put a John Kerry sticker on my blog but I can’t figure it out. Tom can’t even do it. Which does make me feel better but it still doesn’t put pictures on my blog.
It’s really got hot in my computer room. It may be because it’s so small and the computer produces so much heat but it’s almost always hot in this room.
Anywhoo, I started a new computer game Monday. It’s the Lord of the Rings game and I’m sooo bad at it. I just want to play it so I can get to the part where I can play Merry. That’d be fun!
I had no homework tonight but I had to get up early and I need to get up early tomorrow. A.P. Bio’s becoming a real bitch and it’s only the third week of school. I really can’t wait for college.
Well, I’m gonna go take a shower so I don’t have to deal tomorrow morning (that means extra sleep-in time! *yay*). Is it only Wednesday? *groans*
}}}Added by Tom afterwards:
I figured it out, and heres one of my own ;-)
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04 September 2004
Tie my tubes I hate being and woman, and I miss my boy
I’m having the period from hell today. I hate being a woman. I’m not even sure if I really want children… why the hell do I have to put up with this? I took a bath, put on a heat pack, popped pills, and slept and it really took me like 4 hours to recover. I felt so bad because in the middle of this Dan called asking for Tom’s address (I’m embarrased to say I don’t actually know it) and not only did I not answer the phone but when my dad picked up the phone Dan thought it was an answering machiene and I can only imagine what happened! Dan is such a goof.
But I finally feel better now. I’m watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and that always puts me in a good mood. Except for the fact that I miss my boy…
Tom went camping this weekend and today when I was feeling absolutley misserable all I wanted was him there holding me :’( now I really miss him. I think we’re going on a “date, date” Monday so I have something to look forward to. See, we aren’t ones to do the dinner and a movie thing so when we do we make a big deal out of it. The Shakespeare Theatre is also back in October so we’ll be going to see a show soon, I’m really excitied.
Well, I should probably go eat something because I kinda skipped dinner and what I did eat today isn’t there anymore… I said I wasn’t feeling good!
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02 September 2004
Team Sports... I Don't Get Them!
“There is no ‘I’ in team… but there is an ‘I’ in win”
Wally wants me and Chanda to see him play in his soccer match tonight. I really have no desire to go… the only reason I go to football games is because I have to and the closest I ever got to playing a team sport was tennis… not much team there! So I’m just kinda waiting here until she comes because she was over at Montessori helping her mom set up for an openhouse tonight. I guess I can’t complain too much though… I had a relativley good day. First of all I got a 96% on my history quiz today… take that Kilbreathe! And I got to go to Muddy Waters after school… always makes me happy!!! *Yum* I had a soy mocha with a shot of irish cream, one of the better flavors. Kendra and I were talking today and she said they’re opening another Seattles down by the Papa Johns and Hospital. There’ll be no alcholic drinks so maybe I can work there! I guess it really doesn’t matter thought because I’ll be 18 in a little over two months. So yeah, the only thing I really have to look forward to tonight is ready an A.P. Bio chapter… Joy & Rapture.
Well, I just watched Chanda pull in so I better jet… as she hits the curb… That’s my Chanda!
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31 August 2004
One Day I'll Fly Away - Moulin Rouge
I follow the night
Can’t stand the light
When will I begin to live again
One day I’ll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I’ll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I’ll fly away
Fly fly away…
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:46 0 Free for All
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30 August 2004
Hmmm, No Good Title to Print
I’m checking out LiveJournal to try to find my current mood… contemplative? I don’t think so… sleepy? No, I’m actually feeling quite awake. Okay? Annoyed? Confused? Mellow! That’s it I am mellow. Just kinda here… In this place… yeah…
Anywhoo! The week’s here and it’s a full, five day week. *boo hiss* Hmmm, maybe my mood is hungry too. See, my lunch is at 10:40 at school so when 2:30 rolls around I’m a little hungry and since it’s 3:50 at this current second I’m a bit ‘peckish’
I found this website called the Green Ribbon Pledge. It’s a site to pledge to help conserve the enviroment. You can also go to www.therainforestsite.com and with one click help save acres of the rainforest. Every click helps! So check it out! That’s what my new gallary post is… my green ribbon! Now I actually have to find a real one, of that color.
Well, I should do my FST homework and study for my A.P. Bio. test so I’ll leave you with these words of wisdom courtesy my good friend, Brittany:
Everybody changes. They change their beliefs, their taste in music, their political parties, their underwear (or at least we hope). But a question was brought up, does changing things in your life mean that you are totally changed from who you used to be? Is changing for better or for worse? I don’t believe that it is always strictly one or the other. Different people and situations account for different things and it’s up to you how you change and who you become when it’s all said and done.
People change throughout their lives. Things as simple as music tastes and political parties have a big affect in the changing of a person. Their outlook on things can be altered and their opinions and thoughts change quite a bit as they progress through life. Yes, there is usually a remnant of their former self deep down inside, but they have changed. Whether they, or anyone else for that matter, notice it, they are a different person then they were before. They are no longer who they once where. Whether their changing has made them a better person is a whole other story.
I know plenty of people who have changed for the better as well as people who have changed for the worse. People who have become someone that I don’t even seem to know anymore. People who have gone from someone I looked up to and respected to someone that I now regard with disgust. Just when you think you know somebody, they change. Sometimes, it’s great and they become even closer to you than they were to begin with and other times, it drives you away from them and you wonder if that’s who they were all along because you don’t remember them changing into this person that you have come to loathe.
There’s good change and there’s bad change and you really can’t tell the difference until you’ve started the changing process. I know I’ve changed from who I used to be. I’m not the same girl I was 8 years ago or even 2 years ago. There are changes I’m proud of and some I’m not so proud of, but I take those unpleasant things and change them to make myself a better person in the end. You can stop it or change the direction if you don’t like where you’re headed. But you never know til you try. Who you turn out to be in the end is all your own doing. No one else is at fault if you turn out to be a hypocritical ass hole. And it’s the same if you end up being a sweet, understanding, open-minded individual as well. It was all your doing. No one else deserves the credit or the blame other than yourself. You made yourself into the person you are when it’s all over. So make yourself into the person you really want to be cuz what it all comes down to is in the end, you’re all you’ve got and that’s kinda the point.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:45 0 Free for All
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26 August 2004
Nothing to do... So Weird
I’m in this quasi-denial because I actually can’t think of a single thing I could do. I’m so use to having homework that having a study hall is just baffling my mind! I haven’t had one since freshman year. It’s kinda nice. I don’t think I’ll be all that disappointed if I don’t get my I.S. arranged. I guess I could study for my A.P. Bio quiz tomorrow but I feel quite comfortable with the material - it’s all review from last year’s chemistry class… covalent boding and all that lovely stuff.
After school today I went with Tom to see the slide show of his senior pictures. When I went for mine they played “Man, I Fell Like a Woman” by Shania Twain and I had to know what they play at the boy’s showings (I was kinda hoping it wouldn’t be Shania). It turns out it was some country song about the time of your life or something… I don’t really listen to country so I have no idea who it’s by. Actually I felt like posting my favorite song, Evanescence’s Everybody’s Fool. Here it is:
perfect by nature
icons of self indulgence
just what we all need
more lies about a world that
never was and never will be
have you no shame don’t you see me
you know you’ve got everybody fooled
look here she comes now
bow down and stare in wonder
oh how we love you
no flaws when you’re pretending
but now i know she
never was and never will be
you don’t know how you’ve betrayed me
and somehow you’ve got everybody fooled
without the mask where will you hide
can’t find yourself lost in your lie
i know the truth now
i know who you are
and i don’t love you anymore
it never was and never will be
you’re not real and you can’t save me
somehow now you’re everybody’s fool
*sigh* good stuff.
Oh, I took a quiz today… “which nazgul are you?” and I posted the result in my gallary. The one all about me… check it out!
I think now I’ll go to my downstairs computer and delete some of the songs I have on it. I have like 500, which isn’t really enough (you can never have too much music) but I only have 200 MB worth of memory left (which is like nothing). So I need to get rid of like 100 songs asap. Hey! Something to do!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:44 0 Free for All
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24 August 2004
It Starts...
School started today… *Boo Hiss* My summer went by too fast and I don’t want to go back.
1st period: A.P. Biology. I still really wish I could have taken Physics instead. But Mrs. Vinion said that she’s aiming for all of us to get at least 4’s so I guess I won’t mind getting a leg up on my college credits. But I had homework tonight! IT’S ONLY THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I hope I have a good time.
2nd period: Zoology. Oh my gosh, I think this class is gonna be sooo much fun! Micah’s in my class and Mr. P teaches it! I get to go to the zoo with Micah! That’s so cool!
3rd period: World History. Another *boo hiss* class. I don’t think I’d mind it that much except that the man who teaches it, Kilbreathe, is a total pedifile. He arranges girls in the front of the class who wear short skirts. On top of that his questions are “selective answers” meaning that all the multiple choice questions are right but you just need to know which question he wants. All this for a class you’re required to take. Then to top it all off, Kilbreathe announces he’s only gonna teach us European History! You know what that means… NO EGYPT!!! It’s so sad that was the only reason I was looking forward to this class. Nothing seems to be going right in this class.
5,6th Period: FST. Also called Functions, Statistics, and Triginometry. It’s with the same teacher I had last year, Raff-Angert so I’m not expecting anything suprising.
7,8th period: Study Hall. I so want to get this changed to an I.S. Anthropology!
9th period: Latin II. I was looking forward to this class all day and I was a little crushed to walk in and see that there were 37 people there! That’s the biggest class I have and she’s just not gonna be as much fun. Sidle will be very over extended, not very fun.
Finally, 10th Period: Band. Same old song and dance there. Nothing new!
So that was my day today. Tom and I went back-to-school shopping after school and I did all my homework (A.P. Bio & FST) and now I’m sitting here eating Kettle Corn *yum*. As my homeroom teacher said today: “Just 180 days left of this bull shit and you’re out of here forever”.
I can’t wait.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:44 0 Free for All
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18 August 2004
Lord of the Rings... is it really that bad?
I’ve heard it all before… that the Lord of the Rings cartoon is the worst thing ever but my curiosity has gotten the best of me and I have to see it once. Am I really that stupid ofr wanting to see it? Oh well, I’ll update you tomorrow…
I haven’t been really writing much lately. I guess my life as relapsed back to my school life and it’s become so boring for me I don’t feel like I have anything to write about. Today I woke up at 8:00 and took my puppy for a walk. Then I did some stuff at home before I needed to leave for a speech and debate picnic at 2:30. I never got a letter telling me that there was a picnic today so I kinda have a feeling Altoff doesn’t want me back but too bad! I’m gonna stick it through (it’ll look good on college applications). Then I went to Tom’s and we rented the Lord of the Rings for tomorrow morning. We took Oliver for a walk and watched the Olympics (I’m actually watching them right now also). Band was tonight [ul]again[/ul] but there was a horrible t-storm and we were stuck inside for the entire three hours. There was even a tornado warning but it wasn’t anything serious. I made pudding today so when I got home I had some of that *yummy*.
Tomorrow I need to memorize “Rubber Duckie” for band. Other then that I’m going over to Tom’s for the movie and lunch and then another two-a-day band. I’m so sick of band! Oh well, two more days.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:43 0 Free for All
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17 August 2004
My dread slowly begins to mount… band starts in 25 minutes! I can usually tolerate the 6-9 band but I absolutley hate the 2-4. It’s so pointless. I know my music fine, thanks. But I have to go anyway. At least I think I get out of fairday this year! I want to go visit Miami University sometime and that day seems like the best day. So no fair for me! Yay!
I tried so hard to wake up at 7:30 today but I just couldn’t do it. I finally dragged myself out of bed at 8:40 because I had to be at Tom’s by 9:00 to do his hair for his senior pictures. Then I went home and went back to sleep for another 2 hours or so. But now I’m sitting here with only 22 minutes before band :’( and I’m all showered and I even at lunch. I need to work on memorizing Pirates of the Caribbean today because it’s due tomorrow. So I’ll probably be doing that in between the 2-4 and 6-9 band. Maybe I’ll get it memorized during the 2-4 but there are a lot of solis I need to learn and that might take abnormally longer. Oh well! Yesterday I ate dinner after band and that works better for me then before so I think I’ll do that from now on. I’ll just have a quick snack before I go. Sounds good to me! Well, I’m off to savor my last 19 minutes of freedom.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:42 0 Free for All
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15 August 2004
The Baseball Game Review and Misc. Others
I got back from the Baseball game at 2 a.m. today. :zzz: A little drowsy but I had a really good time actually. First I went over to Carolyn’s so Tom could pick us up from there. Since David lives out in the middle of nowhere we got him on the way. Then we stopped by Panera Bread (Panera Bread is the best I totally recommend you try it) Potato soup in a sourdough bread bowl is the best! Then we headed to the city. We considered taking the RTA (think NYC’s subway) so we wouldn’t have to worry about parking but the directions we got from the people at the restaurant were a little confussing and no one would agree on exact directions so we decided just to suck it up and drive.
We got to the game a little late and it was kinda sad because our team had already scored 4 times. 2 home runs total. At first David didn’t want me to go in to the stadium because I had forgot to mention to them that I had never seen a game where the team had actually won. But Tom was really hopeful to break my curse. The game was pretty cool, sometimes I was quite confussed because the two team’s coaches got into three or four arguments a piece about stupid stuff and I didn’t understand why. Tom says I’m too fair to be a baseball coach because each team had an incident where the ball was hit above the yellow line that qualifies it as a homerun but the umpires called it in (hence no homerun) and said that was fair since both plays were called the same way. Then I learned that pitchers usually switch after about the 5th inning and said that was fair because it gave the other pitcher a chance to play in the game too. It all makes sense to me but Tom said I should never persue any kind of baseball career.
After the game there were fireworks that we stayed for and I have to say they were pretty impressive for being at a baseball game (oh yeah, our team won, my curse is broken!). Then it took us like an hour to get out of the city. There was a ton of traffic and things got a little complicated when we tried to get home (we almost missed our exit then a semi decided it wanted to move over to the exit lane and it almost squished us!). Other then that it was smooth sailing home, the only thing is we didn’t get home until 2 a.m. and I was just a little tired! But I got to sleep in until 11:30 so it’s all good.
Now I’m chilling here watching Kim Possible on the Disney Channel. Yeah, it’s kinda sad that a girl who’s trying to get into her perfect college is sitting here watching a cartoon show! Yeah I’m just in the mood to sit around and keep myself busy but do absolutley nothing. I think I’ll take my puppy for a walk, pop in a good movie (can we say TT EE sounds good about now), play some computer games, and just have a pleasant day. Tomorrow I might see if Chanda wants to go to the mall. I feel kinda bad since Carolyn & I did the baseball thing yesterday with our boyfriends and sorta left Chanda out. It’s just that she doesn’t have a significant other and Carolyn only had 4 tickets. So I think I’ll try to make it up to here tomorrow. I hope she can do something tomorrow. Well, I think I’ll finish my children’s show then off to walk my puppy!
I hope everyone else has a good day too!
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11 August 2004
Are There Rentheads Out There?
Today I put my Rent CD on my computer and I got to thinking… I wonder how many people are into the musical Rent. So if you’re completely and obsessivly devoted you know what I mean when I ask if they’re any Rentheads out there? I hope so!
I tried so hard to wake up at 8:30 today but I just couldn’t do it. So I got up at 9:00. Then I kinda sat around until around noon when Tom and I went out to lunch. Then we were gonna go register for school but I didn’t have my emergency medical form so I have to do that tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s almost time for school again. It’s weird to try to describe this but to me the summer went by real fast but thinking back on the first day of summer that seems ages ago. You know what I mean? The rest of the day was devoted to band. I’m so sick of marching band and it’s only been the third day. Two of my squadlings tried to play off tonight and they sounded terrible. I couldn’t even tell where they were in the music. I marked them off but I made them promise to learn their music better next time. I’m not use to having to actually help my squad memorize music. Maybe they’ll get better… I have to learn the first movement of Pirates of the Caribbean by tomorow… I think. I can’t remember when it’s due. Other then that I just need to schedule my Miami U. & Heidelberg visits and I’ll be set. I probably should review my A.P. Bio terms again. Ahhh, I’m not ready for that quiz the first day of school!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:40 0 Free for All
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09 August 2004
My Apprehensions on the Renaissance Fair...
Vanished! Everything about it was great and I loved it. Well, almost all of it. Chanda was acting in a way that I found very immature and it bothered me. First, she drove separatley because she had to work later on and she didn’t want us to have to leave early. Now that’s all fine and dandy but then she was suppose to be following Brittany but when we got to a detour she insisted on ignoring Brittany and taking her own way because “it was faster”. So the rest of the trip up there we were seperated from her and kept worrying that she’d miss the exisit and wouldn’t make it. We caught up to the other car and were able to guide them through it but Beth said Chanda was speeding the entire time and they couldn’t keep up. There was construction almost the entire way to the faire, why the hell would you speed through construction zones!?!? Brittany and I decided it was because Chanda wanted to prove she could make it there by herself. So she ended up at the faire like 45 minutes early. The to top it all off, we were suppose to be there for Garrett’s birthday, to celebrate Garrett turning 18. But insteadt Chanda decided she didn’t want to hang out with us and her and Megan went off on their own. AHHHH!!!!! That pissed me off beyond all belief! What kind of friend would just abandon their “close” friend on his 18th birthday? So now I’m kinda in a bad mood about Chanda & the faire and I won’t talk to her about it. She should have stayed with us instead of stampeeding off on her own!
It probably seems like I had a horrible time by the way I was just talking but that was my rant session and now that I’m over it I can gush about how much I loved it! The first thing we did was pay some guys to have Garrett arrested! They threw him in this mock jail cell and he had to do the mating call of an emu with a birthday boy on it’s back to get out. I was a little nervous that Garrett was gonna get us back and have us all arrested but I think he forgot about it by the end of the day! *sigh of relief* Then we spent a lot of time shopping and such, I got this beautiful necklace called an “Elfin Teardrop” here’s the meaning behind it: “A drop of luck from an elf brings happiness, energy and playfulness.” The stone on it is a Blue Siberian Quartz. Here’s it’s meaning: “Inspires clairvoyance and self-awareness. Stone of mystics and healers. Helps focus the mind.” I put the picture in one of my gallaries if you wanna check it out. I also posted a picture of the henna tatoo I got! The lady blew pink glitter onto the tatoo to make it “sparkle” so don’t worry, my skin isn’t irritated or anything, it’s just the glitter. It’s the Chinese symbol for the feminie moon! Uber cool. Finally I got this tiny incense burner that only burns for 25 minutes. Perfect for me since my parents get a little nervous if I leave my incense on for too long. It’s the loose incense and it burns around this sideways “S” shape. I got two flavors of incense, one’s called Egyptian Musk and the other is Hazelnut Coffee. They smell yummy! I really want to go back sometime, there is so much I wanted to buy but just didn’t. Like there were a ton of jeweled headbands I wanted to get (think the kind the elves wear) for prom but I just couldn’t talk myself into them then. I could now!
We also went to some classes and we learned how to sword fight, uber cool! We also went to see a “mud show” where these three actors did nothing but jump into the mud and such, kinda strange but VERY funny. Finally, right before we left we went to a joust! That was amazing to see, it was kinda weird though because the “bad guy” won the joust and the “good guy” got dragged off the field by a guy dressed in a monkey costume! Don’t ask me, I didn’t get it either…
So that was my day Saturday and I found it to be… AMAZING! I loved everything about the Renaissance Faire and I can’t wait to go back again!!!
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06 August 2004
Has Anyone Ever Been to a Renaissance Fair?
Tomorrow Beth’s planning to take Garrett to the Renaissance Faire for his birthday. It’s like 2 hours away and the only people I know who are going are Brittany, Chanda, Beth, Garrett, and MEGAN! I’m sorry I can’t help it but I’m not a big fan of her. She’s desparate to get a guy’s attention and will go to any ends to get them to notice her. I hate that. She even makes moves on Garrett even though he and Beth have been dating almost as long as Tom and I have. But, Garrett’s ok with that but that’s another story. I’m just not sure if I want to go to this faire. I hope Brittany will drive because I really don’t want to be in my car by myself for 2 hours. And for some reason Chanda is infatuated with Megan so I’ve lost my best friend for the day. And I’m sure other people are going and I don’t know who they are. I’m beginning to wonder if this faire will be worth it… what do you think?
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:39 0 Free for All
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05 August 2004
Which Homecoming Theme Do You Like Better?
I feel like I’ve done so much today. I went to Rookie Band camp and got some squadlings ready for their parents night tonight. Then I ran my puppy to the Groomers so now she’s all beautiful. After that I went to a local jeweler to get some necklace chains for some charms I want to start wearing. Then I got some coffee at Muddy Waters *yum* and went to Wal-Mart for some ultra important beauty items Finally I headed to some of the local department stores for my Mom’s birthday present. Her birthday is this Saturday and I found the cutest necklace and earring set for her. Then I also found some charms at home with my name & my puppy’s name (yes we’re that obsessed with our dog) that my mom doesn’t have a chain for. So I used one of the chains I bought for my charms on those charms and I’ll give them to her so she can finally wear the charms. Then when I got home I found my cousin at the door. He had some money that my aunt owed my mom. We started talking and he told me that he’s been talking to the speech coach about this year’s Homecoming (our Speech & Debate Team sponsors our Homecoming). She suggested a theme of “Space”. We were thinking that could be kinda cool but a lot of work to make it look impressive. Then, we came up with a “Beach” theme. That would be a lot easier to work with because we put on the show ‘Grease’ a couple years ago and we still have all the tropical props from the dance scene in PAC storage. So that solves a lot of the theme problems. Which one do you like better?
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:38 0 Free for All
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04 August 2004
Were You Worried About Y2K?
I’m watching I Love the 90’s (1999) on VH1 amd I just started thinking… I was never really freaked out about Y2K. Were you? Did you think that there was gonna be chaos like all the publicity was claiming? Time to remanice about the “good ol’ days”!
I’m getting really sick of Rookie Band Camp. Tomorrow will be the fourth day and I feel like all we needed to teach the freshman everything they need to know was three days. My band directors are uber obsessed with marching band so I’ll have two more weeks of band after this. This week I’ll have been in band for 15 hours, then 19 hours next week, and 19 hours the week after that… gosh, that’s 53 hours of band! Ahhh!
See, I like concert band but I hate marching band. The only problem is I can’t pick which band I want to be in. If you’re in concert band you have to be in marching band. It’s only a quarter versus the semester and a half that concert band happens but still, it’s a lot more work for something I’m not too thrilled to do. Oh well, this is my last year *happy tears*
So, after band Casey and I ran to Taco Bell for some lunch then we came back to my house. Casey showed me how to do some stuff in RollerCoaster Tycoon and I showed him some cheats in the Sims (if anyone ever has any questions about the Sims PM me, I know everything, including a few vital cheats). Then, Casey attempted to fix my CD Burner. Yeah, it didn’t work too well. I have an external burner that my dad bought for the old computer in the basement and we just can’t get it to work. Casey couldn’t fix it either so Andrew’s gonna come over some time to look at it. Someone will someday be able to fix it! Afterwards I did absolutley nothing the rest of the day.. Well, wait! I did get 5 of the tasks I wanted to get done this week done! I have a Dell Pocket PC and it has a tasks list. So, every week I make out a task list with everything I want to get accomplished on it. This week I had 8 tasks and I’ve done 5! Yay! Tomorrow I’ll run all the errands I wanted to run and then I’ll have gotten all everything done! Joy & Rapture. Well, I think I’ll go get a Root Bear.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:36 0 Free for All
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30 July 2004
I'm Leaving on a JetPlane
Well, actually I’m not but today I’m heading back home. I’m spending the last few hours at my uncle’s house before I need to leave infront of the computer. My aunt should be home any minute now and then I think i’m gonna leave so she can get some sleep before her other niece and naphew get here. When I get home I plan to take a nice long bath and veg out the rest of the night. Tomorrow I have a squad leader workshop and I need to be up by 8:00 to be ready for the workshop at 9. That’s only for two hours and I’ll have Sunday off but after that rookie band camp starts then real band camp so my summer is basically over. :( that’s quite sad. Well, I wanna go play with Aga-si and Noon some more before I leave so I know this was a short blog but I’m outta here!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:35 0 Free for All
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29 July 2004
Greetings and Salutations
Hello all! I’ve borrowed my uncle’s computer to stop in for a quick hi. I’ve missed the internet and CoE the past three days I couldn’t resist the a perfectly good computer waiting to be used to talk to all you wonderful people. This title was kinda boring so I doubt very many people will read my entry but here’s the account of the past few days here in Colden, New York.
We left on Tuesday around 9:00. It turns out that my uncle & aunt’s two huskies, Aga-shi & Noon were having their second birthday that day so we stopped by Buehler’s and picked them up some doggie goodies. It’s a bit strange but my aunt and uncle didn’t want kids so they adopted dogs and they are now considered my cousins. How horrible is that?
After about a four hour drive we got to Colden and almost instantly started the shopping experience. We went over to a local mall and I really don’t think I found much that day. I’ve decided to become more picky on what I buy and keep from buying stuff that makes me feel like the rest of the crowd just because it’s easy to find. So I haven’t really bought much this trip which I guess is a good thing on my credit card account. The next day I got most of my clothing when we went to a big mall called the Galleria. I got a sweater, a bunch of tank tops, a cute pair of orange capris, a pair of orange flip flops, and the best brown cord jacket ever (and at $25 it was a steal). My aunt and I also got our nails done. I had a manicure (french, of course) and she got her first pedicure. I have a big fear of feet (like an anti-foot fetish) so I stuck to my nails.
Today we went to a small village called Ellitcotville and did some little touristy gift shops. I don’t think I bought anything today either until we got to the Wegmans and I got my mom a blue cappucino glass,my dad some fancy cheese (we loved cheese), I got some coffee creamer, those oral-b brushups, and some more makeup. But now I’m sitting here beypnd exhausted so I think I’ll be taking a shower and going sleepy as early as possible. Elentari needs her beauty sleep!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:35 0 Free for All
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27 July 2004
Favorite TV Show of Your Childhood.
If you could bring one tv show back from your childhood which one would you pick? I’d pick Fraggle Rock! I found old copies of the show at my local video store and I just had to rent them…
I tried to wake up at 8:00 today but I had such a tough time going to bed last night I just couldn’t. So I woke up at 10:30. I have a list of things to do today on Alvin including cleaning my room, making a new LotR’s t-shirt, and packing for my trip with my aunt. I was suppose to call her today to find out what time we were leaving tomorrow but she beat me to it and we’re leaving at 9:00. I absolutley can’t wait, it sounds like my cousin isn’t going so it’ll just be me, my two favorite aunts, and my favorite uncle; the best relatives out there! Well, I’m gonna go running then go do a ritualy, it was a lunar phase yesterday. Have a good day!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:34 0 Free for All
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25 July 2004
I'm Hungry!
Yeah I know I’m so interesting… We have no food in our house since Dad and I had been gone for so long so now I’m sitting at home beginning to think about food but there’s no food in the house! Ahhh!
I haven’t done anything yet today. I woke up at 11:00 (I went to bed at 2:00) and now I’m just beginning to think about showering and food. I need to go check on the Bennett’s house today since Audra knows I’m back but I’m kinda nervous. What if Audra forgot she was suppose to help? I might be walking into a house filled with starving cats and dead fish. The only thing I can think of is the mailbox isn’t bulging with mail so that’s been taken in in the past week. I really hope it isn’t just the mailman stopped delivering mail…
Well, I suppose I better go shower, check on the house, and figure out where I’m gonna get food. Seeya!
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Housesitting at the Bennetts
I’m sitting on the Bennett’s computer right now after I finished feeding their cats and fish. I don’t really get paid for this job but every year the Bennett’s go to Canada and for payment I get Smarties (the Canadian kind *yum*) and access to their gaming systems, high speed internet, & hot tub! It’s raining out right now and the hot tub is outside so that’s basically out of the question. When I leave for New York with my aunt in two days (yay) Nicole’s friend Audra will be watching the house. She did it when I went college visiting too.
Today I woke up at 10:30 and almost right away took a shower and went grocery shopping… you know what that means… sushi!!! On of my favorite foods in the world. Then I came home and vegged in the basement. But I did get some things accomplished. I finally reviewed my A.P. Bio terms - something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. And I finished my packing list for my trip Tuesday… at least I think I did. Who knows if I’ll decide to bring anything else. The only thing I really need to do tomorrow is clean my room and reburn my pictures from Europe my uncle wants - my first CD didn’t work for some reason. I need to call my aunt tomorrow too to decide when we’re leaving… I hope as early as possible, can’t miss a single shopping second! Tee-hee. Other then that I think I’ll go back home and play some Roller Coaster Tycoon in the basement!
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23 July 2004
Where Would You Go?
If you could be teleported to any country in the world right now where would you go?
I would go to New Zealand in an instant! Can we say Lord of the Rings was shot there? I would want to go to the field that housed the Shire, the mountain the Edoras was built on, and the hill that they digitally added Weathertop to. *Sigh* perfect.
I woke up about an hour and a half ago. I ate some breakfast and wrote my thank-you emails to all the tour guides and interviewers from the colleges. Now I’m convincing myself that I smell bad and I really should shower. After that I think I’ll call Tom and play Roller Coaster Tycoon. I also want to start making Avators for my CoE website, I’ll have to get the LotR movies on my computer for some private Merry time! Tee-hee. Well, I have all weekend before I leave for New York with my aunt and I’m not gonna waste it doing things I don’t want to do! This is basically my last weekend before things like the dreaded Band Camp starts! *dun dun duuun* Alright, I really will go bathe now!
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22 July 2004
The College Trip is Over...
I’m sure you all missed me sooo much (definitely just kidding). But I’m back and I actually had a really good time. We traveled to three different states and saw five colleges. From a first hand experience, here’s what I have to say (in case you care)
Washington College This was the first stop on my “whirl wind” tour and I have to say, I was not very impressed. Maybe because it was my first college visit ever but I was a little nervous when I got there. I was expecting to go on the tour first but I was quickly shuffled into an office for a private interview! I had no idea what I was suppose to be asking so I guess I didn’t ask enough because after a while of talking to the admissions adviser I ran out of things to say. He then made me feel horrible by basically teasing me that I didn’t have very many things to ask so I whipped out some question about the food program at the school and he thought I was entranced by food! I felt like saying “listen buddy this is the first time I’ve done this so just give me a little bit of slack.” but I sucked it up and it was soon over. Then we went on the tour of the campus. The campus is quite pretty, with lots of historical buildings and green fields and trees. The only real argument I have with the place is the town is so tiny there’s absolutely nothing to do outside of campus. The dorms were interesting with housing more like apartments then real dorming. All the rooms had AC so that’d be a nice thing. There was basically no Greek life on the place with only 20% of the student body involved in any form of Greek. I’m not sure if I want to be in a sorority or not. The theatre was great and they have over 15 shows a year so I’d always be able to get involved! But all-in-all I don’t think Washington is right for me.
Albright Next we moved onto Albright in Reading, PA. Supposedly the town is really bad news with a nasty crime rate. But the campus is in one of the suburbs and it’s very nice there. I generally liked Albright, it reminded me a lot of the College in my hometown, one that I’ve stayed in many times and would be use to. The tour guide there wasn’t as good and he didn’t seem to know much other then the stuff he was suppose to be showing us. When he asked me what I wanted to major in (I responded with Anthropology) he replied with “I always forget those, which one is that? Plants or animals?” But the college was nice and it definitely is my safety school (I could get into Albright without even trying). I think the interview was what made me decide I liked Albright. The lady was so nice and she represented the faculty to me and that made me excited to attend classes there.
Gettysburg I LOVED GETTYSBURG!!! To avoid all the gushing I could do about how beautiful the campus is, how great the people are, how amazing the theatre was, how yummy the food was, and how cute the interviewer was I’ll just leave it at that… They claim Greek life is a huge thing at Gettysburg but only 40% of the students are involved and the tour guy wasn’t even in a fraternity. I’m definitely going back to Gettysburg.
Ithaca I can’t make my mind up about this place. I liked everything about the campus, location, classes, the fact that there’s no Greek life, the downtown environment, food, dorms, even the fact that Cornell is right across the hill and my boyfriend might be going there (best arrangement if you ask me, it’s not long distance but it’s still a different school). It’s just the people there seem super stuck-up. I’ve just been disenchanted by the social life. I know I’ve only seen a handful of students there so I think I’ll have to go back to see what it’s like when all the kids are there.
The University at Buffalo I know what you’re thinking. She’s looking at teeny-tiny schools then all of a sudden she jumps to UB!?! ok, so maybe that’s not what you’re thinking but hear me out… Washington has 1,200 kids; Albright 1,600; Gettysburg has 2,500; and Ithaca had 6,500. Notice the pattern? This is my smorgas board of schools. I have no idea what I’m looking for right now (other then it’s out of state) so I’m “tasting” a little bit of everything. UB was wonderful. The campus was clean, attractive, and easy to comprehend. I didn’t really feel like I was in a huge campus. The only thing I didn’t really like was the dorms. There were complex procedures of checking in, unlocking doors, talking to guys in intercoms and other things that would make me feel like I was still at home needing to check in with Mommy. That’s not what I really want from my college experience. The rooms themselves were nice though, they were carpeted and that kinda weirded me out (what exactly happened on those carpets before? Ewww,) but other then that I was pleasantly surprised.
But here’s my rating:
1. Gettysburg
2. Albright
3. Ithaca
4. UB
5. Washington
Well I’m sure I’ve bored you all. Wow, have I written a lot. I’m glad to be back home.
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16 July 2004
Back in Summer Gym
Yeah I’m back working on more slideshow stuff for summer gym. But the upside is today’s the last day!!! Yay!!! I’ve finished the slide show so here I am chilling and waiting to go home. We went camping two days ago and it was the first time I’ve ever slept outside. So that was an east A in gym and now I can proudly say I’ve never taken a gym class in the high school. Or a health class either but that was correspondence so that was even in the school.
Today I’m going to the movies with Tom. I think we’re going to see the Notebook. Is it any good? I’m not sure if I want to, I’m not really in the mood for a mussy love story. Maybe we’ll see Spiderman 2 or Farenhieght 9/11. We’ll see… I HATE the freshman boys in this class, it makes me feel bad for the future of this world. They’re all sooo immature (I mean we’re talking middle school here) and they don’t listen to authority. I hope 4 years at this high school whip them into shap.
We’ve been working in the PAC a lot lately and there were two really cute boys playing in the band that Carolyn and I have been sending secret notes to. They responded last night! Their names are Ken and Connor and they happened to not actually be twins but a year apart (Ken just turned 19 and Connor’s about to turn 18). They’re going to the University of Dayton and Ken is studying engineering and Connor is studying anything and everything music. They’re really nice and I hope we have more opportunities to talk. I’ll probably blog tonight too since I’ll be sitting infront of the sound board all night with nothing to do.
Well, now I have to go put away camping equpiment. Later!
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13 July 2004
Working in the PAC
Yeah so I’m at work right now and I know there are hundreds of thousands of things I could be doing that are more productive then this but frankly I don’t want to! We went canoeing this morning and now only did Andrew get into a car accident (he’s fine it’s just his car that isn’t), we were an hour late starting in the river and therefore were an hour late getting home. So I haven’t had much of a recovery period and I a little too tired to actually get involved with gel work or rail work right this second. So techinically I’m probably gonna make about $5.oo for doing nothing but sit here. Have I mentioned I make $10 an hour? For work like this it’s absolutly amazing! Oh wait, Storck actually wants me to do work! *Boo-hiss* Well, I’ll take my time getting motivated. Yeah, I made $2.50 for writing this blog, that’s my idea of work… I love this job. Oh well, I better go rap up the snake and set up telex, joy and rapture… Maybe I’ll come back and talk some more later, see ya!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:30 0 Free for All
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12 July 2004
Favorite Smell?
Yup that’s right, what’s your favorite smell in the whole world? I’ll have to go with spring. I love that smell when the world’s warming up after the snowy no goodness and it just makes me want to have all my windows open all the time.
Summer gym’s still in full swing. We went to some camping ground and canoed in a puddle (she claimed it was a lake but I guess we’ll compromise and say a pond). But I was ok with it because we got out real early. Then Chanda, Andrew, David, and I went to Primos Deli for lunch.. that was a pleasant suprise. Then I came home, took a shower, and went grocery shopping with Tom. We bought some cookie mix and we’ll be making them someday, probably tomorrow or Thursday. Wednesday is my big camping trip. That’ll be interesting since I’ve never even slept outdoors before. Well, I have to go to work in half an hour so I think I’ll go relax until then. Later!
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11 July 2004
Random Question of the Day
I don’t really want to blog today so I’ll just ask another random question.
And it is…
If you could remove one song from the face of this earth which one would you pick? Personally I’d pick “Milkshake” by Kelis. That song drives me crazy!
Well, Herry Potter’s on and I wanna watch it. Chao!
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09 July 2004
If you could have three wishes what would they be?
Personally I’d wish #1 for enough money to keep me happy for the rest of my life, #2 raise all those grades I’m not too thrilled with to A+ and keep then that way, and then #3 to be able to eat anything I want without gaining a pound. I figure if the wishes take care of all the superficial things I can concentrait on the important things in my life. So what about you?
Today was a quick day in gym. We went to the pool and swam and canoed. I’ve never went canoeing before so that was pretty fun, even if it was only in a pool. Chanda and I were with a bunch of guy friends so they helped us out when we needed it (always nice). And when we weren’t canoeing we were playing water polo, that was good fun too. Moreso then if it would have been a group of girls screeching and just generally not playing! Grrr, major pet peeve of mine about girls. After that we just washed our bikes (biking is officialy done!) and worked on some final Power point project. Now I’m back here still smelling of chlorine (I’ll shower, I promise) and thinking about what I should do today…
I need to run to the bank because I have a ton of change I want converted into cash. Then I wanted Subway for lunch (I filled up a card so I get a free sub!). And Nicole wants to take one more practice drive before her test today. I also want to drive over to this Praire Lane where we’re meeting on Monday to go canoeing so I don’t get lost that morning. Other then that I may run over to the PAC because Storck called this morning and said he was working today but I may just go in this weekend. I’ll savor this free time!
BTW, King Arthur wasn’t very good, I don’t recommend it.
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08 July 2004
Finally! A Busy Day!
Today was a good biking day. We only biked 25 miles and stopped for Fruit & Yogurt Parfaits on the way home. We were the first group back to the bus so we even had time to get frappucinos from the nearby gas station. Yay, coffee! Then when we got home I got a phone call from Storck telling me I have to work this weekend. But at $10 an hour I’m not complaining! Then I ran to MC Sports to get a bathing suit. I have some bikinis but we’re starting canoing tomorrow and I think a onepiece may be more appropriate. So now Nicole has my car because she takes her test tomorrow *crosses finers for her* But at 7:05 me, Chanda, & Carolyn are going to see King Arthur (I’ll let you know if it’s any good). So I finally have some things to do that will make this summer more enjoyable! And the best part is I’m not too tired to do them!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:27 0 Free for All
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07 July 2004
What Decade Would You Pick?
If you could live in any decade, which one would you pick? Personally I think I’d pick… the 70’s! That’s right I Love the 70’s (do doo do dodo doo). I like the clothing (sans high waist pants), like the movies (Star Wars anyone?), & the music (Aerosmith, The Doors, & Led Zepplin). Plus, who could doubt that the 70’s was the time period where The Hobbit was one of the most popular books out there. So when would you choose to live? Living in a castle might be cool but everyone smelled back then *holds nose* But their dresses were so pretty!
Today was a horribly fun day. First of all, one of the girls in my group fell off her bike and flipped over and hit her head on the pavement! Luckily she felt better and I think she’ll be ok. Second, we got hopelessly lost and instead of biking 36 miles we did 48! Yeah, a little tired now. Finally on the way back it starts pouring & I fell off my bike! It’s only a little road burn so I’m ok but I was soaking wet & dirty. But that was the fun part. David and I had a blast laughing about our rotten situation and it made it all that more fun. My words of wisdom for the day: if you’re in a situation that you can’t help & it makes you miserable, just have fun with it! The horrible situation goes away!
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06 July 2004
Summer Gym *boo-hiss*
Yeah so here I am sitting back at school on a Mac (I hate Macs) passing the time as the rest of the class catches up. Today we biked 16 miles to some park (uphill, no good) and then went hiking. The hiking was fun but I was sick and tired of biking by the time we got home. The cherries were blessed to me when we got home. Now we have to work on a power point pressintation of poisonous plants & native trees of Ohio. Chanda’s working on the tress and I did the plants. I was done in 30 minutes and now I’M BORED! I feel kinda bad because we only had to do 3 plants but 5 trees so Chanda got more work. But she doesn’t seem to care. Maybe if she gets bored I’ll finish it for her. Oh well, she wants to do it, she only has one more. I need to bring her a dollar tomorrow for the McDonalds we bought. DON’T FORGET ELENTARI! I need to go to Buehlers tonight to pick up groceries for lunch tomorrow. I don’t have much at home but the hard day of bikinbg is done so the rest of gym should be a breeze. I can’t wait to go home and take a shower. Yay for soap! There are som morons sitting at the table behind me. They don’t know how to spell Maple! And the boy seems to be bragging about stuff that no one else would be proud of. Like how his hair use to look and that his brother never got in trouble because his mom would be mad, he was just sick all the time. I don’t get it, oh well. I don’t know how to get accents on Macs so I can’t get on Council of Elrond *tear*. I think I’ll go looking for a better Monkshood picture.
Later Days!
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05 July 2004
Summer Gym
Well what a wonderful day! Jk, I had to wake up at 7:30 to get to the school by 8. Then we did a lot of boring things like hand out bikes & helmets. The only thing we really did was bike around town and I’ve been doing that my entire life so it was no bid deal. The next three days the days are an extra three hours but we’re just biking Rails to Trails which are old railroads that have been converted to paths. The way Carolyn was talking it sounded like we had to do mountain biking & I don’t think I could handle that. But everything will be ok! We’re going canoing too and camping. Two things I’ve never done so that should be exciting. I’m ready to try these things! But I gotta go, dinner’s ready!
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04 July 2004
4th of July - Joy and Rapture
Yes! I Love the 80’s just came on. So I finally have something to do. I woke up at 11:00 and sat around for an hour protecting my puppy because they were setting off fireworks early - don’t ask me why. Then I had spaghetti for lunch (I know you’re jealous Tom) & here I am.
I’m not realy exicited for the 4th of July. Tom’s gone, Chanda has to work, and, of course, Carolyn will be with David AGAIN! So I have a sinking feeling I’ll be stuck with the relatives the entire night. *Cue hiding under the bed* Another firework just went off, I better go save Shelby…
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03 July 2004
Happy Anniversary Baby!
21 whole months together! I miss Tom something horrbile though and he’s been gone for a grand totaly of one day! 6 days left.
I’m sitting here watching I Love the 70’s on VH1. Good stuff! I woke up at 11:30 today and did nothing until 4:00. I was hoping to not have to change out of my pj’s today but we went to my aunt’s for dinner, part of the whole kick off July 4 shit, grrr I hate relatives. I hope Chanda isn’t working tomorrow or else I’m gonna be stuck dealing with them all day. After the relatives I took Nicole’s dog Toby for a walk and I came home and read The Power of One.
I guess it’s getting better, maybe a little uneventful but I sorta hope it isn’t only about boxing, which is what it seems to be about right now. Oh well, we’ll see how it progresses. I think I’m gonna make some popcorn and watch the rest of I Love the 70’s.
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02 July 2004
Wash Your Hair, Elentari, WASH IT!
Yeah, I really need to get motivated. Today I’m planning to study some of my A.P. bio. terms, take Nicole out to practice her manuverablility, (hopfully) change the covers on my bed, & read some of the college book Chanda gave me. I think I might stop by Chanda’s today anyway… I wanna show her my senior pics and see if she likes the ones i picked out. Even though I don’t have my outdoor ones yet (grrr). But first off I need to take and shower and wash my hair. No use talking about getting motivated if I can’t pull my butt out of this chair!
This random guy just imed me. He says he lives in Orrville but his profile says Toledo. I hate people like this, worst of all he’s a a he (no shit) and he won’t talk to me just pull out the *are you hott? do you have a bf?* It’s like TALK TO ME! What the hell do you expect from a girl online *oh yes I want you I need you, oh baby, oh baby* PLEASE!
Alright I’m off to take a shower and I SWEAR I’ll get motivated today.
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01 July 2004
Pirates of the Caribbean
So I got bored so I decided to start this movie. Good, good movie! I’ve always been in love with Disney and I’ve been going to Disney World since I was around 6 months old. I even said my first word at Disney World *cue eerie music* Since then I’ve gona to Disney a total of 6 times. The last being this year with my high school band. So I’ve been going on the ride, The Pirates of the Caribbean all my life. It’s really fun to see the little bits of the ride Disney has thrown into the movie (like the man sleeping on the pigs & the dog with the keys in his mouth being tempted with a bone my the prisoners). I think Johnny Deep did a very good job in this movie, I really think he should have gotten the Oscar. His performance was really spectacular. Disney really does a good job when they want to.
Like at Disney World! I could go on for hours about how wonderful that place is. I don’t really care that I’m a 17 year old girl still in love with a place designed for 5 years olds. I wanna get married there but I think it’ll depend on how financially comfortable I am at that time in my life. The most expensive wedding at Disney costs $70,000! I wonder how much the least expensive wedding costs? Oh well, I guess that’s a while away from this point in my life. I should be worrying more about college then weddings.
This blog is taking me forever to write because I keep stopping to watch the movie. I think I’ll go to watch Jack Sparrow!
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30 June 2004
Please Explain to me the Appeal of the Newlyweds
I guess I just hate reality tv but I’m sitting here trying to understand Newlywed’s appeal and I just don’t see it! Oh well maybe it’s me!
Today was an ok day. I woke up and read The Da Vinci Code. It was a GOOD book but the end was sorta anti-climatic. Now I’m reading a book my boyfriend recommended - The Power of One. Currently I’m not very impressed. The first chapter a little boy gets peed on! That’s so sad! Then Chanda called and her and Carolyn came over and we just hung out for a while. But Carolyn got a phone call form her boyfriend, David and he seemed kinda mad that she was over and then she left. I hate their relationship. He helped her out during a really hard time in her life and now she simply clings to him. The worst part his he treats her like sh*t. Chanda always says that David & Carolyn are in “lust” and Tom and I are in “love”. The worst part is David cheats on Carolyn all the time. He has a best friend (with benefits may I add) named Jessi who he’s actually going on a vacation with leaving Carolyn at home! Also, he has an ex named Daria who actually is a friend of mine. She tells me that David sends her “pictures of the week” and I’m talking dirty, dirty pictures! That’s so wrong! He has a girlfriend! I hate this and the worse thing is Carolyn won’t listen to us because she’s so dependent on David! Ahhh, that drives me crazy. I really want to help her but I just can’t figure out how!
Anyways, after I took Chanda home I went to my cousin’s graduation/engagemen t party. They had yummy chicken wings! Then I went home, took Shelby for a walk, and took a shower. I’m gonna have wavy hair tomorrow!
Tomorrow is Tom’s last day at home :sad face: he’s going for a week long college visit. :’( I’m gonna miss him! I think I’m gonna spend a lot of time away from him this summer. Oh well, I guess it’s good practice for college next year. I think tomorrow I’m gonna go biking in the morning. Wish me luck!
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29 June 2004
The Things I Need to Do
There are a lot of things I really should be getting accomplished this week before summer gym starts. I need to learn more of my A.P. Bio. terms. I really should get a job, there’s just no motivation for me to do so (I’m real lazy sometimes). I read a sign that says there’s a store called GameCrazy opening and they’re hiring so I guess I’ll check it out. If anyone knows anything about it I’d like to hear about the place. This week I really need to change the linens on my bed too. The cleaning ladies have given up on my room so now I’m stuck doing it myself.
On a funner note… *Tom I found some egg dye in a draw today, would you be interested in coloring eggs sometime?* Although, I don’t even know when you leave for your college visits ::mean look:: you haven’t told me! I think I’ll go running and finish my book!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:20 0 Free for All
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28 June 2004
I Love Carbs
Today I kinda got some things done. I woke up at 8:30 and just kinda vegged at first. Then I took a shower and actually did something with my hair (that’s a big deal for me in the summer). Afterward I finished the last 80 pages of A Tale of Two Cities. I was right when I said somebody dies but I picked the wrong person. Then I went to Wal-Mart to get a t-shirt & this iron-on transfer paper to make a Merry & Pippin drinking song shirt *check the image gallaries to see the shirt* Then I went to Muddy Waters with Tom and we played backgammon on my Pocket PC (nicknamed Alvin Jr.). He also gave me the DaVinci Code and I’m already 100 pages into it. The main character actually defends that pagan religion so I’m actually a big supporter of the book. So tonight I think I’ll make my shirt, then go running, then play some computer games, then read some more. At this rate I’ll be done with this book in a couple of days! But I read a lot so that’s not that big of a suprise. But I’m gonna go play Harry Potter now! How much fun… :-)
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:19 0 Free for All
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27 June 2004
I'm so bad at this computer thing. I want to make a poll for my blog and I want to make galleries and playlists. I just need some major help!!! Please help me I have no idea what I'm doing. I think I'll get my boy to look in on this site and see if he can help me. I just need to figure this place out!!!
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:17 0 Free for All
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I'm getting the hang of this!!!
So I still don't really like this color font but I'm working on it!!! I think I need to go to a darker color. I'm starting to get an image gallery set up. Lord of the Rings currently (I think I'll progress to Fraggle Rock soon). I think I'm gonna start transferring music from my realplayer to a file this site accepts. Wish me luck! Thanks for sticking out with me through my extreme confussion.
Share Your Thoughts! elentari at 20:16 0 Free for All
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26 June 2004
1st Entry
So I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. I got this website off a friend from Council of Elrond. I think I better talk to her and get some info on this deal. I loved her blog so much I had to check it out for myself. Once I get this thing figured out I know I'll be on a role and I won't be able to stop adding things to this site. I may have gotten a song on this blog but I don't know if it uploaded right. I think I may need to convert all my realplayer files to windows. Oh well, I had that problem with my pocket pc and I got that figured out. I think I may need to change my font colors. I don't really like them. I'm in the learning process right now, I'll figure it out. I always say I'm computer illiterate but I think I'm not as bad as I think I am *teehee* The only thing I can't do is write HTML codes. If I really wanted to I could get Tom to help me though (my boyfriend) maybe I will someday. I'm still not tired but I know I should be going to bed soon (it's 12:30). If I don't I'll sleep all tomorrow then not be tired Sunday night and it'll turn into a horrible cycle. I think I'm gonna go PM my friend about this place then curl up on the bed in the computer room. Maybe a change of venue will help me sleep better!
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