I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

19 November 2004

The Weekend *woo-hoo*


I felt like this week would never end. And now that it has words cannot describe how joyful I am. I have no homework, I'm sitting here enjoying some chicken fingers, Chanda and I are planning to go see Alfie, and the rest of the weekend will be jam-packed with not-at-home activites.

Tomorrow is a speech tournament in Copely and the final South Pacific show. After the show Colin's having a party so that's how I'm spending the rest of my Saturday. I'll probably be somewhere other then home until the show on Sunday too so I'll go there then strike set and the cast party. I'll never be home and I'll be having a blast! The fun I'll be having will totally make up for the zero sleep I'll be getting this weekend. Sometime this weekend I do have to write my Marine Bilology essay, rewrite my college draft, and make sure I get my application fess paid. Plus next week is only three days until Turkey Day and 10 until my birthday! I'm uber excitied. These next few weeks are gonna rock!

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