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Yesterday was probably the best day of work I've ever had. First of all, I got to go in at 4:30 which means I didn't have to close and it turned out two people came in at 5 so I was second cut not third! Woo! Then, at about 8:00 one of the waitresses quit. And when I say quit, she just walked out. I know, I'm so immature but I've never had anything like that happen to me before. She has another job and the people at work give her hell all the time so she decided she had enough. Supposedly she walked into the office, set down her apron and nametag, explained the money was in the apron and walked out. One of the girls was like "are you kidding" and she kinda half-heartedly laughed and was like "no." Then she walked out the front door and looked at me and asked me to tell on of the other hostesses to call her. I didn't really think anything of it at the moment and then it hit me: wait, there's like three hours left until close and the closing waitress in smoking has just walked out the door! I heart small-minded drama.
Speaking of my own drama, the ex called today. I didn't answer the phone and he didn't leave a voicemail. I have no intention of calling him back. The fact that he didn't leave a voicemail makes me think he accidently called me, like he has a new girlfriend and forgot to entirely change the contact or something. Yeah, I just pulled that out of my ass, of well. But anywhoo, if he didn't leave a message he must not really have anything to say and I have nothing to say to him so I guess we've just covered all the bases.
Speaking of bases, the Indians won tonight! Oh Travis Hafner and your grand slams... I approve. AND Bob Wickman didn't play... always a good thing lately.
Speaking of lately, I've noticed that most of the titles for my post lately have been more of utterances than actual words. Woooo and hmmmm.... well, I guess it's summer and I don't have anything more articulate to say.