I have so much to do now I kinda wish we could have gone a week I didn't have school. Sure, it was nice to be away for a week and know that everyone else was toiling away at their desk (I guess that's the evil part of me).
But now I have to prepare for two A.P. Tests and I lost an entire week of studying for them. I mean, I read a lot of my A.P. European History review book on the trip... especially in between getting... well... you know ~~~> I'm having waaay too much fun with my mice today
But now my friends, I must bide you farewell, for there (on top of my A.P. Tests preps) is Expos & Humanities waiting for me!
Joy & Rapture.
25 April 2005
Key Largo Was a Blast But...
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23 April 2005
Back From Key Largo!
I'm home from Key Largo and my Marine Biology trip and I had a blast. Other then the fact that I learned that I get extremely seasick, I just took some high-test Dramamine and it was great. I saw sea turtles, sting rays, manatees, sharks, and other sweet fish. I'll have to post some of the better pictures I got after I get them developed.
Unfortunatley, the last day I was stupid enough to leave my wallet on a bus that we weren't getting back on and now it's still in Florida. My mom had to fax a copy of my passport at 11:30 last night to make sure I could get on a plane today and now I have to get in contact with the bus company to try to get my wallet back. My dad canceled my credit card so the only thing I need to really worry about is the around $30 in the wallet and my driver's liscense which does have my social security number on it. However, it's still in the hands of the bus company so I don't think anything will really happen to it. I have to call the company Monday to see if they found it and what they plan to do about it. I've never messed up like that so I was really suprised that I did yesterday. But, now I learned my lesson and I'll never do that again. At least now I won't lose my wallet when I have multiple credit cards, other important cards, and lots of money. I hope I get it back soon!
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13 April 2005
If I Hear the Verb 'is' One More Time...
I'm in World History right now and, of course, Mr. Kilbreath is saying the word 'is' one too many times. Here's an example of a typical Kilbreath sentence (commas equal pauses in his sentence):"And, by the way, is, he, is, only 32 by the time the French Revolution began." Wow. That's all I have to say is just, wow.
I have so much to do today. I have an A. P. Biology test I should start to study for. I have oodles of Expos since I'm leaving next week. Also, I have a FST quiz tomorrow and, of course there's my A. P. Euro test May 6. So much to do, so little time! Oh yes, I forgot about the two scholarships I need to finish this week. *Grrr* I hope I can manage this...
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11 April 2005
Where Did My Week Go?
I knew this would happen. I'd get back from Spring Break and my teachers, in a desire to give seniors one last push before they graduated, have piled on the homework. Unfortunately, next week I won't be at school (or blogging) because I'll be in Kay Largo with my Marine Biology class. Therefore, I am now doing homework for two weeks in one.
A.P. Biology I have to study for the A.P. test on my own because I'm missing a week of review . Expos I have to turn in 150 notecards, 25 sources, 14 questions, and an abstract for my 10 - 14 page paper. Also, once I get back I have to churn out this paper in a day. I'll get all my FST work done before I leave but in Latin I have to basically finish the Iliad and write an essay for each book. I want to get as much done before I leave as possible.
Tonight I need to study for a Fish I.D. quiz, finish an Expos book, find 6 more Expos sources, read an European History chapter, and get my fins for snorkel.
Yesterday I got "The Complete Idiots Guide to Surviving College." I've read the first two chapters and it's very interesting. I already know how to deal with my laundry and that I need to spend the extra cash for the health insurance that covers the hospital in the college's town.
Guess I better get to work...
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09 April 2005
Have You Ever Noticed
Have you ever noticed that movies have more appeal if you happen to catch them on tv instead of popping them into your dvd player? I know that's kinda random but I was thinking that I have nothing to do so I was gonna put in 'The Princess Bride' but then I turned onto VH1 and there's some random movie on that I kinda got hooked to. And I realized that 'The Princess Bride' is so much better then this movie but the fact that it was on tv and I just happened to find it made it more appealing. Isn't that odd?
I really should do my Marine Biology and clean my room but I want it to be a slow day so I'll do it whenever I decide. Maybe take my Marine Biology to Seattles or Muddy Waters and enjoy some coffee while I work on it. I just started an iTunes update but it's gonna take an hour to download and I'm worried the people from the Apple Store will call me today so I think I'll finish it later. My iPod's battery is being fixed and it's suppose to be done today. I shouldn't spend much time online because of that. I don't want to miss the call saying my iPod is ready! I miss it yeah, that's me when Gloria isn't in my life *tee-hee*
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05 April 2005
Damn You Good Title!
Basically damn you in this instance because I can't think of you. Maybe it's because I'm watching That 70's Show. I'm sure it's rotting away my brain... ah, but it's sooo addicting.
I did poop today. I think poop is my word of the week. Once more I think my brian has gone down the pooper this week. Let's hear it for spring break!
Anywhoo, today I woke up at 10, watched TV until 1, made some english muffin pizzas for lunch, played with Shelby outside, read my book, and took Shelby for a walk. That's a big pile of it that I've done. I had planned to read my AP European History book, written some Expos notecards, and cleaned my room. I've really done none of that. Plus, tomorrow Mom and I are going shopping and getting my iPod fixed tomorrow. So I don't get to do any of those things tomorrow either. But those are the only things I have to do this week so I'm not worried about it. There's still Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...
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04 April 2005
Miami Was A University When Florida Still Belonged to Spain
If that's the only thing I learn at Miami U I think I learned enough. Okay, I'm just kidding but still, I think that's a pretty interesting piece of information.
I'm currently in Oxford, OH. at the Hampton Inn (yay for free wireless) waiting to leave for the accepted students reception at Miami University. I still have no idea if I'm actually going to Miami or not but it's technically the only school I've gotten into so far. I got wait-listed at Gettysburg and I'm still not sure where I want to go. Miami is nice, I like it here.
The rest of the week I have spring break. I'm watching Tom's dog because he's in the Bahamas (how unfair) and Chanda's watching Oliver today. I also plan to go to the Apple store to get my iPod fixed. I need to do that before I leave for Florida.
I'll be home late Monday night. Dad and I were just talking about my college computer and HE thinks I should take the old computer in the basement to college. Uhhh, BIG check in the no box. How do I explain to him now that I have every intention in getting a laptop. Oh dear.
Dad just said the Fravel twins didn't get into Miami. *tee-hee* I'm so evil.
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