~~~~ Rejuvenated
Fake toes, anyone?
29 July 2007
Another Reason Egypt Rocks
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28 July 2007
Book Review: Before Women Had Wings
~~~~ Listless
Recently I finished a book called Before Women Had Wings by Conni May Fowler. It's not exactly the kind of book I normall read but I actually really like it. The book is the story about a young girl named Bird growing up near Tampa, Florida. Her father commits suicide and her, her older sister Phoebe, and her mother move to the city to try to start over. But trouble follows them because Bird's mother is plauged with a failed life and falls to drinking to solver her problems. Bird's only salvation is with Miss Zora, a kindly woman who teaches Bird about nature and love. I think Fowler's writing style is what makes this book so good. Even though Bird's life seems so hopeless she still finds joy in the small things. It keeps the book engaging and enjoyable. And, to be blatant, it makes you realize your life could be severly worse. I highly recommend it.
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26 July 2007
It's Been A While
~~~~ Full
It's been a while since I visited this site but it's still up and running!
The Hunger Site is this great site that is suppose to donate food to the hungry. There's also a Breast Cancer Site, A Child Health Site, A Literary Site, An Animal Rescue Site, and my specific favorite, a Rainforest Site! It might not work, but it might. I hope it does work. You should help! It's free and only takes a few seconds of your time. You should do it too!
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23 July 2007
Reaching a Catharsis Nine Years in the Making
~~~~ Restless
What an awesome weekend! Friday I drove up to Cleveland and met up with Steph. We ran to Coldstone and bought our obligatory Cookie Dough Delerium Cake and took it to Lindsay babysitting her cousins in Westlake for her birthday. They were seriously the cutest little girls I've seen in a long time. I haven't played with kids like that since my little neighbors were that age. After the kids needed to hit the hay Steph and I said goodbye to Lindsay and went back to Willoughby to see Hairspray. Oh my goodness. It was one of the best movies I've ever seen. I loved it. Steph and I are officially in love with both Link and Seaweed and we want to disown our mothers for John Travolta as Edna. Amaaazing! After the movie we went back to Steph's house and woke up bright and early Saturday for a fantastic roadtrip. The goal of our roadtrip was to visit some of the towns in Ohio that are named after famous cities throughout the world. Our stops included:
Milan (birthplace of Thomas Edison)
and, of course, OXFORD!
That's right, our roadtrip ended at our beloved Oxford, Ohio, home of Miami University. We had calzones and fruit and yougurt parfaits as soon as we got there. I missed it so! Then we wandered around campus just refalling in love with our wonderful campus. It was a long day. A looong car ride. We listened to the Hairspray soundtrack at least 10 times and the High School Musical soundtrack an additional 6 or 7 times but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I stayed in Willoughby again Saturday night but Sunday I had to be out of there bright and early because I had gone the first 24 hours of the Harry Potter book being available and not reading it. When we stopped at a Wal-Mart in London there were a few books by the cash registers and it was so hard not to pick one up and start reading it. But I got home early Sunday and started reading. I'm halfway through the book at the moment and I'm generally pleased. There are a few things that are strange. Like Harry really doesn't go back to Hogwarts but I'm generally pleased at the way the book is evolving. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint me at the climax. I'll soon find out though I'll obviously have it done today.
*nervous laughter*
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19 July 2007
Baseball Game of the Year
~~~~ Exhausted
It's official, I can't watch the Cleveland Indians, they lose. I had a really great time with Lindsay though, I heart hanging out with her. We established our three favorite players:
Josh Barfield
Franklin Gutierrez
and (of course)
Grady Sizemore.
Now I'll stop paying attention because then they'll keep doing well.
I bought myself a journal yesterday. I'm gonna start writing in it with anything and everything I can think of. Right now I just have a few poems but I hope I can get up to short stories soon. I think I'm gonna work on my painting too and put a couple of my works of, well, art, I guess, into it. I guess I'll call it my Life Book. I'm kinda in love with my book. Watched Young Adamlast night. It was thought provoking but it was a little choppy and lacked a certain continuity all in all not my favorite movie. I signed up for a two week free trial of Netflix to get a couple of the indie movies I've been meaning to watch. I'm just tired of waiting on the library and then when I get the movies having them be all scratched up. The library is really only truly good for books... not that I'm complaining or anything though.
This weekend I'm heading up to Cleveland for Coldstone Cake with Lindsay and Steffie then Steph and I are goint to see HAIRSPRAY and then down to Miami just because we both miss the campus. HARRY POTTER IN THREE DAYS!!! I can't believe something that has been a part of my life for over 12 years is about to finally end. Please don't die Harry! :(
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15 July 2007
There's This Story
~~~~ Creative
For years now I've had this story in my head... I wish I could get it out. It's so well developed. It's about this girl... she's the daughter of gods but she isn't really a god because these gods aren't really suppose to have children... they just aren't suppose to be capable. But against all the odds she's born and now she has a choice. Will she spend her entire life at home with her parents and the other gods, living safe and secure but bored, or will she use powers she has and go off to different worlds helping others in their most desperate hour? I know, it kinda sounds corny when I put it in those words but, hey, I guess that's why I've never actually written it down. She also has a twin brother that decides to stay with their parents while she goes out on her adventures. Her parents also send her a guardian animal that can assume any form he wants but his true form is a great orange dragon.
The problem is I have an extremely over-active imagination... even at 20. Ha! I think I want to write all this down but I just don't know if it's worth reading. By myself or by others. :confused: *sigh* I have a great respect for authors just because they have the patience to get all their thoughts and ideas down on paper. Maybe I have ADD? Sometimes I start writing but I just get bored so quickly... guess long term writing just isn't for me.
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05 July 2007
How Amazing is This?
~~~~ Hopeful
What a wonderful concept. The HOPING foundation really has the right idea.
HOPING stands for Hope and Optimism for Palestinians In the Next Generation. This next generation will be the key to peace. Palestinian refugee children need the simple chances and ordinary possibilities that can offer them creative solutions to their lives. The most important thing we can do is to help generate these possibilities, giving refugee children a belief in the promise of a better future. We will be showing Palestinian children that their struggle to transform their lives is encouraged and supported by people in Britain and throughout the rest of the world.HOPING maintains a small scale administrative set-up in order to ensure that a large majority of funds we raise are given directly to community projects in refugee camps working with children. Most importantly, the recipients of grants are small community initiatives that provide immediate assistance, and will make such a huge difference to their everyday lives. Grants are provided to encourage and improve all aspects of children’s lives; through art, music, social and sporting activities, and through their education and health needs. |
They have cute things to buyto help the cause. It's totally worth it!

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03 July 2007
Save Darfur
~~~~ Impressed
It's worth it. I promise.
Buy Instant Karma Now!
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