I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

27 January 2006

Yay For No Homework This Weekend!

~~~~ Sleepy

*phew* I can't believe I actually got it all done. I always say I'll do my homework Thursday night but I never do. Yay for actually doing something I say I will! Of course, I'll still have homework this weekend (welcome to college). I need to start on my Elizabeth paper, study for an Anthropology exam, and probably do some English which I won't be assigned until tomorrow. I'm really not sure what I'll write my Elizabeth paper on. We were given a book pointing out all the negative aspects of Elizabeth's reign and I just finished reading it. I know Elizabeth has always been presented in History as an outstanding ruler. I mean, she has an entire time period named after her. But the book pointed out that it had more to do with she was smart enough to associate herself with people who really did know what they were doing instead of trying to accomplish anything herself. So she was a very good politician but she didn't do much herself and doesn't even deserve half of the credit she's recieved over the years. That makes me sad. I've always respected Elizabeth but I guess I should be happy that I finally know the truth. I'm just not sure which direction I'll take this paper once I sit down to write it.

Had a very busy day today. Woke up, ran to the market because I didn't have milk for my Breakfast Shake. They didn't have skim milk to I had to get 2% :eek: grrrrr. Went to Botany and felt pretty bad because Professor Money was trying to engage us in his discussion on ferns but no one was paying much attention and he could tell. Sorry, Money but sometimes ferns just aren't the interstesting at 11 in the morning. Went to Italian. I know that learning a foreign language is intimidating but at least we have some laughs in that class :) Had lunch at Bell Tower yum... went to Anthropology. Did an evolution experiment with the Black and White Peppered moths. It was actually a lot of fun. Talked to Kevin again and we worked on the experiment together. He's such a sweet kid :)
Went to the Rec. Stupid iPod wasn't done charging so I couldn't take it. Grrr, oh well. I need to get more reading done anyways. Came home, took a shower, and went to my History Discussion group. Worst 50 minutes of my life. Came home and me and Lindsay ran our movies back to Movie Gallery. Stopped by Kroger for some of the larger things we don't want to get Saturday. Seriously, why did I need 30 bottles of water? I get so mad at myself when I pull shit like that. Came back and watched Dancing with the Stars and Crumbs with Steffie. "Ah, it'll be just like senior prom except you won't be in the bushes screaming 'It unhooks in the front!" I love that show! Oh yes, "I would dance with Drew Lachey any day. Would you be the bull or the cape? Whichever one he fucks!" Can't forget that quote either! SO I did my homework and now here I am. I'm hoping to go to bed around 1 so I can get up at 10:30. Not looking forward to my Botany discussion group. I feel as if I should be getting a lab credit for that class!

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