I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

31 January 2005


~~~~ Ecstatic

I got my letter today... I got into Miami University!!!

You have no idea what this means to me! I'm not really capable of any great academic feats. I mean sure, *gasp* I get above a 3.3. Not that big of a deal. And I only applied to two colleges. I think Chanda thought I was crazy because of this. She's a genious and applied to like 7 colleges. But I'm into Miami and that's all that matters right now! I really want to go to Gettysburg, moreso then Miami but Gettysburg'll be more of a reach for me. So knowing that at least someone wants me is an awesome feeling.

Well, that's all I have time for today. I need to get some food, coffee, then head to my Marine Biology class...


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