I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

11 May 2008

Summer '08

~~~~ Exhausted

I am officially all moved into Laura's apartment in Cincinnati. I love it. It's so nice to have a roommate that I'm living in intimate quarters (aka a relatively small bedroom) with that I am not uber creeped out by. Internship starts tomorrow. Sooo excited. Ramsey, the dog that lives here, is without a doubt one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen. I'm so glad I get to play with him all summer. This week I'm just gonna fall into the swing of my internship then next week I'm gonna start following up on all those job applications I put in last week. Things are looking up.

Except I am not wise in the life decisions department because yesterday I decided to go up to Cleveland for Steph's birthday and thanks to my extreme lack of sleep I am exhausted. Oh well. I guess I'll get a good nights sleep before the museum. But Steph's birthday was a really good thing for me for two reasons. #1. We went to a strip club. Strange reason, I know but it's one of those life lessons I have lived and am proud to say that I've experienced it. #2 When we went out to the bar I got hit on twice. One was the awkward 'I'm gonna awkwardly talk to you trying to keep the conversation going in hopes that you'll end up in my bed' which happens every once in a while. But the first guy did the I'm gonna slid up to you all sleezy like in the bar and try to hit on you. Never happened to me before. It gives me hope that maybe I'm not as undesirable as I'm slowly making myself out to be. Not saying I was remotely interested in either guy but, in that stereotypical girl way, it's nice to know I'm "appreciated". Maybe there's hope afterall.

0 Free for All: