~~~~ Restless
On boys, school, and life in general. I've been disappointed by three seperate boys this week. At first I was crushed, especially by the first boy, but now I'm so over it. Three days left until the semester is over. Only two classes left. Tomorrow I need to study for Anthropological Theory and probably I should fix my Myth paper. Thursday's the Anthro Final and Friday's the Myth Final. Then I'm going home for two days and then it's back to Cincinnati for my internship. That's life. I'm so over that too. Life. I should be excited because I'm doing something I love for the summer and then senior year I have a great schedule. But there's still a part of me that feels like it's not worth it because no one else cares. I was so close to at least a little happiness that now that it's gone I kinda don't care anymore. That's a lie. I do care a lot but it's more of an I'll care once I'm out of this place and down in Cincy. I've become a recluse to my books. I've decided for the next year I'm gonna keep track of how many pages I read in pleasure books. I dunno why. I've always wanted to do it... There's something wrong with me. I feel restless.
Currently Watching: Family Guy
So it Goes #96, 97, 98
11 years ago
1 Free for All:
I think a lot of students must go through a similar thing around this time of year. You can see your next step approaching and feel impatient to take it, which distracts you from the work you've still got left to do before you can take it.
I know that's how I've been lately.
And who cares if no one else cares? You're not doing it for anyone else. You're doing it for you.
As for boys; we're not worth the stress. I suggest trying girls instead. They're just as messed up (albeit in different ways), but are far more attractive ;)
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