I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

07 December 2005

On Snow and Reading

~~~~ Peaceful

Every time winter rolls around I think I hate snow and how miserable it makes me. Then it actually gets to the point where the snow's here and my mind's telling me I should hate it because in just a few months I will but I don't. I was walking home from Italin a little bit ago and although I was freezing and I had left my gloves back in the dorm I was still kinda happy to be outside and in the snow. Maybe I'm just saying this now that I'm sitting in my snuggly warm dorm and happy because I really don't HAVE to leave it again but it felt good to be out in the cold and to see snow falling. Oh well, it could just be me.

I finally finished The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. My reading has been seriously handicapped by my college experience. I use to love reading for pleasure but now it seems like I should have better things to do. But I did get it read and now I've started on A Light in August. The last of the Faulkner books I'm making myself read. So far I like it the best out of the three books. Probably because it's the easiest to follow. I would have been totally lost in The Sound and the Fury if it hadn't been for sparknote.com. I mean, I got that Benjy was mentally handicapped but I had no idea his portion of the story had flashbacks. It was just one continuous strain of conscious. And Quentin's story? Oh goodness! Four pages would pass without a period! It was almost harder to read then Benjy's section. I'm glad I am now able to say I have read The Sound and the Fury, but don't ever expect me to do it again. I think the reason I like A Light in August the most is because it actually is told in a way that the reader can comprehend the story. I actually like the characters in this book! But I also kinda want to get it read because once I finish I think I'll start The Lord of the Rings (again). I normally read them around this time of year and I've been bitten by the Tolkien bug [hehe] quite badly. I think I'll start with the Silmarillion, then read The Hobbit, then the Trilogy. I'll see if that's calmed me after I finish those but I do have other Tolkien books to read too. I'm sick of reading books I'm not sure if I'll like. The last couple of books I've read have been a real bust. But you know me -- I can't just stop in the middle of a book. I HAVE to finish it.

But right now all I want to do is curl up in bed and watch the I Love the 80s marathon on VH1. So that's what I'll do.

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