I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

26 September 2005

The Weekend's Over

~~~~ Frustrated

I'm not really sure what's wrong. I think I'm more of a gossip then I've ever let on before and sometimes the way I gossip is different then the way the quirky quad gossips. Stephanie will be my kind of gossip sometimes then she'll defend people we gossip about a few minutes later. Now I'm not sure when it's okay to reveal things to her and when it isn't. I've always just had some problems with Lindsay. I think our personalities are so much alike that we don't get along every once in a while. She isn't willing to believe that I have a legitimate religion. She's constantly saying things like "we are all god's children". Um, okay, I'm NOT your god's child. And she's always like "well, I think you are, so that's what I'll say." Hmmm, so are you saying my religion isn't worth shit and I should be categorized under your religion to save me? Fuck off! That's not cool. And normally I don't have any problems with Becca but tonight she went off because we were interrupting her tv show. Wow, it's just a television show, and it's Desperate Housewives at that! It's like against the law to speak for the entire hour Gilmore Girls or Desperate Housewives is on. Goodness Gracious it's just a fucking tv show!!!

Don't get me wrong though. They're really great and I think I have the best friends here I could have possibly asked for. But, they aren't the ones I'm use to from home and that does stink. I miss Chanda and Garrett and Billy and Wally and Bryce and Megan and everyone else that I knew at home. It isn't the same and I really wish I had some guy friends here. I'm really thankful I have Tom. I don't think I could handle all these females if it wasn't for the fact I'm constantly getting phone calls from Tom. I truly know now that I love him and I can easily see myself marrying him someday. Absence really makes the heart grow fonder.

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