I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

25 August 2005

I Can't Wait

~~~~ Lonely

Classes really aren't that bad. I'm having some difficulty getting up in the morning... especially for my 8 am class. But if I can persuade Danielle to take me to Wal-Mart this weekend I can get my coffee pot and then I'll be golden. I was really nervous about my Italian class but I've even calmed down for that. It's not that bad now that I know what she expects from us. I have my first quiz tomorrow (my first college quiz to be exact *eeek*) and I'm "studying" right now. I probably should put more of an effort into this. I mean, this is COLLEGE afterall. However, most of the Italian letters and numbers are the same as Spanish ones and since everything is spelled phonetically and that's what the quiz is over tomorrow I think I'll be okay. I'm listening to some guy read the months to me in Italian.

I can't wait for the mega fair this Sunday. All the clubs on campus are gathering on Cooke field and we can go "shopping" for activities. I already signed up for the Stage Left Production of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tech crew sign ups are August 29 and 30 at 8:30 and 7:00 respectively. I could just spot for this show. That wouldn't require too much time and I could get use to the theatre while I stay active. I don't think the Pagan organization here is very active. It's listed under the official clubs but I can't find much information on it. I also want to check out the club that brought The All-American Rejects to campus and see if the SOUL kids are a club or just a job.

Tonight after class Stephanie, Lindsay, and I went uptown for dinner. We ended up eating at La Bodega and it was really good. There's no Panera Bread here but the sandwiches at La Bodega are comprable. I'll finish my Italian then I'll finally have time to finish loading The Sims and start a book before my Corridor meeting at 9:45. Then it's off to bed for me because I have a 8 am class tomorrow I can't handle them yet!

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