~~~~ Happy
That being said my first day of WORK is Thursday. So I came home for what may be the last time in a while. That's just fine. Wooster's gained back it's quaint nostalgia for me instead of the fear of doomed failure and permanence it once held. It's nice to be back for a few days. I enjoy that. Relaxing... quiet... CLEAN. But I'll head back to Cincy Thursday. With a brand-spanking new perspective. Tomorrow's agenda includes and oil change, laundry, and garage sale shopping... I know stand back from my wild Wednesday. Then I'll be leaving here Thursday morning to be back in time for WORK and then I WORK again Saturday. I'm so happy. I'm doing something. Next up on my major goals for my life... bugging UC until I get some info on GRAD SCHOOL. Man. I am so ready to grow up. This is actually exciting!
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