~~~~ Happy
I have a job.

That's right you're looking at a happy, employee of Panera Bread... complete with cheesy pastel polo and apron. I couldn't be more relieved. This is a job. This is money. This is something to do and occupy my time until September. I don't know yet if it's enough to get an apartment on my own but if it is. I'm self-sufficient... sorta. I'm doing it on my own. It's an amazing feeling. Just having the support network as... well... support and not a lifeline. I can do this. I know now I can. Fuck you economy. I'll show you what I can do. I can be a fucking independent woman and be good at it too... all because I'm selling coffee and baked goods... hmm. It's the little things in my life, isn't it?
That being said my first day of WORK is Thursday. So I came home for what may be the last time in a while. That's just fine. Wooster's gained back it's quaint nostalgia for me instead of the fear of doomed failure and permanence it once held. It's nice to be back for a few days. I enjoy that. Relaxing... quiet... CLEAN. But I'll head back to Cincy Thursday. With a brand-spanking new perspective. Tomorrow's agenda includes and oil change, laundry, and garage sale shopping... I know stand back from my wild Wednesday. Then I'll be leaving here Thursday morning to be back in time for WORK and then I WORK again Saturday. I'm so happy. I'm doing something. Next up on my major goals for my life... bugging UC until I get some info on GRAD SCHOOL. Man. I am so ready to grow up. This is actually exciting!