I'm Anything But Ordinary

I'm Anything But Ordinary

17 September 2008

Sometimes It Just Doesn't Matter

~~~~ Sleepy

It's amazing when however hard you try your best is never enough. You can't mess up ever. Mistakes can never be made. And no matter how much effort is put in it will never do. Apologies are words, actions, and expressions, but they're never reciprocated. Never. I can try and try and try and it's never appropriate. Maybe I'm just not a people person... good thing I work the job that I do and such.

This has been a crazy week. First there are huricane force winds on Sunday. Then these winds knock out power in most of Ohio. Then the power stays off down here for so long that classes are canceled for Monday. Then the university is running on generators but most of the town is still power-less. Then they decide to open the university for classes on Tuesday. Then 4,000 people gather outside of the president's house to protest the opening of the university... that we pay a lot of money to go to... whatever. Then my computer starts freaking out and showing a blue screen of death. Then the cute IT guy who may or may not be named Jenny cannot fix it but I think I've found a way around the problem... I got rid of the lame-ass virus protection the university makes you get and downloaded my own. Now there's work. Yeah, work.

Currently Listening to: Absolutley Nothing. It is work afterall...

1 Free for All:

MABrock1980 said...

Eep! Blue screen of death!!